Page 23 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 23

Once economic security and

            an adequent living is assured,
                one can refuse to submit to
             any form of slavery. As to the
          person who chases wealth and

          seeks to amass more and more
         of it at any cost, he is a slave in
                  every sense of the word—
                               a slave to money.

        the needs of all without the requirement that every-     This generation is heir, like those preceding,
        one be employed in production.                       to these wonders. They are a common heritage to
           No  one  can  deny  that  the  capacity  of  modern   which no one person, or one particular group, can
        global production is sufficient to produce enough for   claim a major share. It is a heritage belonging to all.
        the needs of all when it is not impeded and shackled     Thus, each member of society, along with his fel-
        by modern finance and when goods are distributed     lows, is co-heir to this immense capital which is the
        as they should be.                                   predominant factor in modern production.
           It  only  remains  to  be  decided  whether  or  not   Certainly this vast common capital must be mo-
        each individual, by reason of his being a member of   bilized. But each person has a share in what is pro-
        society, and for no other reason, has a right to share   duced because of this legacy capital since each is
        in this abundant production. Let us examine if this   co-heir and, in a manner, a co-capitalist along with
        right is well-founded.                               his fellow citizens. This fact does not deny that re-
                  A Great Common Heritage                    muneration is required to those actively participating
                                                             in making this commonly-held capital fruitful in the
           Abundant modern production is due in large        productive process.
        measure to the existence of natural resources which      Imagine that only 1 percent of the population
        God has placed on the earth and which we can pre-    was needed to mobilize this immense common cap-
        sume is for the use of all men. Abundant production   ital that results in sufficient production. Is it logical
        is also due to the fruit of a common cultural heritage   that only 1 percent of the population should share in
        that includes scientific discoveries, the application of   this production? The same argument holds if, instead
        these discoveries to industry, the refinement of in-  of 1 percent, we said that 40 percent of the popula-
        dustrial and commercial methods and the division of   tion was necessary for production sufficient to meet
        labour. All these factors result in a productivity that   the population’s needs. The remaining 60 percent
        is well-nigh unlimited.                              should not be excluded as they still retain the title
           The discoveries, techniques and modern produc-    of co-heir to the immense capital which the 40 per-
        tion processes are not the work of those currently   cent contributed. Even the 40 percent are co-heirs
        employed in production. Nor are they the product of   and co-capitalists, and as such, share in the overall
        current research and development. They are not ne-   fruits of this production. (Of course, the 40 percent
        cessarily the fruit of the last three or four generations   are entitled to wages or a salary as their compensa-
        even; rather, they are the result of centuries of study-  tion for working.)
        ing nature and struggling to master and overcome         The fact remains that the greater portion of pro-
        it. They represent the history of man’s research,    duction is thanks to enrichment by association, that
        discoveries,  inventions  and  innovations  which  led   is, to the social heritage.
        to new discoveries and inventions and perfection of
        methods. All of these wonderful developments were        We must acknowledge there is an abundance to
        advanced by one generation after another, handed     meet our needs and that economic security without
        down  from  one  to  another,  as  if  the  fruit  of  com-  restrictions, that is, without any assaults against per-
        mon effort. These, in their totality, have given us the   sonal liberty, is the birthright of every man, woman
        miracles of the production of our day—and these all   and child in a nation.
        constitute a vast common heritage flowing from the       Today’s financial elite deny this right. Socialism
        very nature of society which has facilitated the re-  ignores it. The application of the Social Credit finan-
        markable legacy passed down the generations.         cial proposals will ensure its realization. v
                                                                                                                      Louis Even
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