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P. 28

The Social Dividend is the best form

                             of Universal Basic Income

                         by Alain Pilote                     more in the air and becoming more popular. The
                                                             problem is that we have no viable way to to finance
            With the forced cessation of most jobs since the
        start  of  the  lockdown  following  the  coronavirus   this income, except  by going  into debt,  and  ulti-
        pandemic, governments in several countries have      mately  taxing  the  wealthy  and  the  middle  class.
                                                             Regular readers of Michael know that Clifford Hugh
        put in  place  emergency  programs to help  those    Douglas and Louis Even presented a more effective
        who have lost their wages, and businesses that risk
        bankruptcy. These measures will cost hundreds of     solution: the Social Dividend. With the payment of
                                                             a Social Dividend there would neither be a national
        billions of dollars, and will swell nations’ debts to   debt nor taxation.
        levels never before reached.
            Everyone  agrees  that  despite the  massive
        increase  in  debt,  governments  had  little  choice
        because  people  can  not  be  left  without  food.  But
        financial relief programs are subject to different ru-
        les, which means that many among the population
        are forgotten, and will receive little or no help and
        that aid will be delivered only several weeks after it
        is needed. In addition, these programs are cumber-
        some to administer.
            As far as Canada is concerned, advocates, se-
        veral in the media and some politicians have sug-
        gested  that  it  is time  to  initiate  a  minimum  basic
        income formula, or guaranteed annual income. For           C.H. Douglas                    Louis Even
        example, on April 21, 2020, 50 senators, which is
        nearly  one-half of the  members of the  Canadian        Louis Even  (1885-1974)  advocated  the  finan-
        Senate, sent a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau as-  cial  proposals of the  Scottish  engineer  Clifford
        king him to establish a  “basic minimum income” in   Hugh Douglas (1879-1952), first stated in 1918, and
        order to ‘stop other Canadians from falling through   known  as  Economic  Democracy  (after  Douglas’
        the cracks’ and to create ‘a positive legacy for all   first book on the subject), or Social Credit. Louis
        Canadians’. According to the Basic Income Canada     Even founded a periodical to publicize these ideas,
        Network’s recommendation, every adult in Canada      Vers Demain in French in 1939, and then Michael
        should receive $22,000 per year.                     in  English  in  1953. He  also founded  a  movement
            In Spain, to limit the impact of the coronavirus   dedicated to the advancement of Social Credit, the
        on the economy, the Spanish government is wor-       Pilgrims of Saint Michael, with headquarters in Que-
        king on a series of measures, including the establis-  bec, Canada.
        hment of a universal income, ‘as soon as possible’       Applying  the  monetary  reform principles  of
        to help families, said Nadia Calvino, Minister of Eco-  Economic Democracy would ensure that the eco-
        nomy and Business, on April 5th. But the govern-     nomy and society would effectively reach its goals,
        ment’s ambition is broader. Calvino advocates that   which are the satisfaction of human needs. The sys-
        the universal income would continue after the end    tem would ensure that production of goods which
        of the pandemic so that the system ‘becomes a per-   correspond to needs would be financed AND that
        manent instrument’.                                  consumption would be financed, thereby ensuring
            Pope Francis, in a Letter to Popular Movements,   that necessary goods and services reach the popu-
        dated Easter Sunday, 2020 wrote: “It is perhaps the   lation in a concrete and logical manner.
        time to consider a universal basic income that reco-     The  genius  of  Louis  Even  was  to  popularize
        gnizes and honors the noble and essential tasks that   Douglas’ principles and place them within the reach
        you perform ”. (The letter was written in Spanish.   of Mr. and Mrs. Everyone. Mr. Even further showed
        The  pope used the  term  salario universal,  which   that these monetary reform principles are coherent
        translates as basic income).                         with the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church and
            As  we  can  see,  the  idea  of  a  basic  income  is   the philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas.

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