Page 31 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 31

The retail price of products must include all    tributed without being factored into a price and the
        costs: wages (A) and other payments (B). So, retail   price cannot be less than A + B. The gap remains.
        prices must total at least A + B. It becomes obvious     If one attempts to increase wages and salaries
        that wages alone (A) cannot buy the sum of all the   in order to catch up to prices, the wage increases
        costs (A + B). There is therefore a chronic shortage   will automatically increase prices and nothing will
        of purchasing power in the present system.           have been gained. In order that all production be
             When a finished product goes on the market it   purchased, an additional income is needed from a
        has an affixed price. But a portion of the price might   source other than wages and salaries which will be
        have been distributed six months or a year earlier.   at least equivalent to B.
        Another  portion  will  be  distributed  only  when  the   This is what the Social Credit Dividend would ac-
        item  is  sold  and  the  merchant  receives  his  profit.   complish. This monthly Dividend, provided to every
        Another part might be distributed ten years from     citizen, would be financed with new money created
        now, when worn machinery, which is included as an    by the nation. Best of all, it would not be generated
        expense in the price, is replaced.                   by taxation.
            Some people may receive money and not spend          Without the Dividend as another source of in-
        it. This money is included in prices but is not part   come there should be, in theory, a growing moun-
        of the purchasing power of those who need to buy     tain of unsold goods. If goods manage to get sold it
        goods.                                               is because we are faced with a growing mountain of
            The repayment of bank loans over many years      debt! Since there is not enough money in the sys-
        and  the  present  fiscal  system  increase  the  gap   tem, retailers must encourage customers to use cre-
        between  prices  and  purchasing  power;  hence  the   dit in order to sell their goods. “Buy now, pay later”
        accumulation of goods, the rise in unemployment,     is the byword. But to delay paying for goods will not
        etc.                                                 solve the purchasing power gap.
            Some may argue that the businesses that recei-                Progress Replaces the
        ved B payments (those that supplied the raw mate-               Need for Human Labour
        rial, machinery, etc.) had paid out wages to their own
        employees, and part of these B payments thus had         The  second  defect  with  the  present  system  is
        become  A payments. This  changes  nothing.  This    that production does not provide purchasing power
        case simply represents a wage dispersed in another   to everyone. It distributes it only to those who are
        period of production and this A cost cannot be dis-  employed. As productive output is enhanced by      u

            The Social Credit Dividend would increase incomes without increasing prices, salaries or taxes.

                                                MICHAEL  May/June/July 2020    31
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