Page 35 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 35

ing a salary from employment to    material goods of the earth. Every   of their mission. They are usurpers!
        everyone is not the way. We can-   man!  Any  man  who  has  a  soul   Thieves!  In  our  code  of  national
        not give wages to everyone; even   has reason, has he not? Reason is   law, or in provincial law, I would like
        more  so  today,  when  modern     what makes the human soul what    to see the section that guarantees
        technology progressively reduces   it  is  and  it  is  what  distinguishes   these rights for every Canadian.
        the need for workers!              us from animals. Every man has a   In  our  Catholic  provinces  and  our
            The  other  day  I  was  reading   fundamental right to the goods of   neighboring provinces [in Canada],
        a  passage from Dr.  Bryan  Mo-    the earth just because he is man;   where is the section of the legisla-
        nahan, the Director of the Social   not for any other reason. What is   tion guaranteeing that every person
        Credit  Secretariat  [in  1957],  and   the basis of my right to my daily   may exercise his fundamental right
        the immediate successor to Major   bread? It is that I am a man, that I   to use the goods of the earth?
        C. H. Douglas. He said: “It is the   was born!                                Disinheritance
        conflict between progress and the      The Pope  added something
        search for full employment which   which has not yet been achieved:      Cardinal   Paul-Emile   Leger
        is at the root of inflation today!”   “This  is  left  to  the  human  will   founded a hospital in Montreal
            It seems that as soon as       and to the legal forms of na-     for the underprivileged. This is a
                                                                             beautiful  work  among  many  other
        technologies  are  developed  that   tions”.  The  “legal  forms”  refers   such admirable efforts to help the
        reduce  the  need  for  labour,  we   to  legislation  which  is  left  up  to   poor.
        proceed to create other jobs by    man and the community to de-
        manufacturing weapons, building    velop. It is left to the legislators to   But why are there so many
        factories  and  extracting  minerals   establish in more detail the prac-  disadvantaged and disinherited
        that are not presently needed —    tical realization of this right but it   people  and  why  do  we  say  they
        doing all this in order to supply   is never allowed for them to deny   are “have-nots”? The reason is be-
        jobs to everyone. None of this     the right, nor to prevent men from   cause they have lost their inherit-
        will  be  used  for  the  building  of   exercising it.              ance; their rights to the goods of
        homes,  but  it  will  be  calculated   Legislators who do not recog-  the earth, which God created for
        into the cost of the home, and     nize the right of every person to   all men. Man has a twofold inherit-
        thus add to its price. This is the   earthly goods or who set barriers   ance: the goods of the earth and
        basic  cause  of  inflation.  Instead   to access this right are legislators   the  cultural  inheritance.  We  have
        of giving us more leisure time     contravening the fundamental      already spoken about the goods of
        for cultural advancement and       rights of man and are not worthy   the earth, now let us take a look at  u
        to prepare ourselves for eternal       At the 1957 Congress, Mrs. Gilberte Cote-Mercier, co-foundress of MI-
        life, they are creating more jobs
        to keep us fully employed! Even    CHAEL, received a certificate in recognition of 25 years of full-time service
        some very good Catholics will say   in the apostolate.  She stands between Miss Florentine Seguin (left) and Miss
        to  us:  “Man  must  be  employed   Therese Tardif (right). Both ladies are, to this day, full-time Pilgrims of St.
        at all times! He must work by the   Michael residing in Rougemont, Canada.  Louis Even is also in the photo.
        sweat of his brow. Otherwise he
        will not have earned his bread!”
            I will continue to quote from
        Pope  Pius  XII.  It  is  a  wonderful
        text!:  “Every  man,  as  a  being
        endowed  with  reason...”.  Rea-
        son is what distinguishes us from
        animals. The Pope does not say
        “as a Christian”; he does not say
        “as a Catholic”; he does not even
        say  “as  someone  called  to  eter-
        nal life”. He says, “as a being en-
        dowed with reason”. This is true
            “Every man, as a human be-
        ing  endowed  with  reason!”  Not
        as an employee, but as a being
        endowed with reason! In fact, it is
        by the very nature of man that he
        has  the  fundamental  right  to  the
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