Page 37 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 37
to his house, another to his farm, another to his fac- Politicians acclaim the country’s prosperity by
tory; these are specific and certain rights. They are producing “production statistics”. They do not cal-
definite, they are acknowledged and they will not be culate into these statistics the suffering that exists in
abolished. But, this does not preclude the other fun- households. There is no statistician to factor in hard-
damental right; the right of each individual to share ships! But Social Crediters, going from door to door
in the goods of the earth! First of all, how do we see throughout the many regions of Quebec, Ontario,
this as Social Crediters? Do we demand that a prop- and the other provinces of our beautiful country, you
erty be taken away from an owner in order to give it have seen much misery and suffering!
to one who has nothing? Not at all! The homeowner Are human beings being considered? No, only
can keep his home, the farmer his farm, and the fac- laws and regulations count! What about the care of
tory owner his factory. What we demand is that each humanity? No, the legislation does not provide for
and every person has the right to be able to procure the needs of humanity! But, there are legal protec-
for himself the products made in the factory and the tions for the rights of money! If you do not meet your
goods produced on the farm. The factory owner, as financial obligations your creditor will bring you to
well as the farmer, will be very happy that their prod- court and the court will side with him. He will fore-
ucts are being bought; they will be the happiest of all. close on your property. If you have any wages, they
The Right of all to Capital will be confiscated. All this to protect the rights of
money. I do not criticize these procedures. What I am
Social Credit is a marvelous formula that respects saying though is that there are laws to protect the
private ownership and the means of production. At rights of money but none to protect the rights of the
the same time it recognizes the rights of everyone individual to the goods of the earth. For these people,
to the immense resources created by God and de- there is nothing. It is about time that we create laws
veloped by man. ‘’Usufruct’’ is a word that means to protect people and what they are due!
“the legal right of using and enjoying the fruits or The Pope, the Vicar of Our Lord on earth, and the
profits of something belonging to another.” People first representative of Christ, is head of the Universal
have this right in view of the order of society. We can- Church in Rome. He takes the place of Christ here on
not just obtain anything, anytime, at will. In our mod- earth and speaks with authority. He does not say that
ern world, we must submit such a “right” on a printed a nation is prosperous only because there are many
sheet of paper we call money. This money, in turn, is goods available. He has stated that: “The economic
what represents our true rights, as bestowed upon wealth of a people is not strictly in the abundance
us by God. Under Social Credit, we will receive this of goods measured according to an outright ma-
money [a National Dividend] according to our needs terial computation of value.” As in, this is worth so
and according to our country’s capacity to produce much, totals so much, therefore the country is rich...
and to respond to our needs. On the contrary, he says that real wealth is not in
Clifford H. Douglas made two important distinc- such a measurement but rather that such abundance
tions in Social Credit between Real Credit, which is “represents and provides in a real and effective way
what a country is capable of producing to meet the a material basis for the suitable personal develop-
needs of its population, and Financial Credit, which ment of the members of society.” Prosperity that is
is the money that accesses these needs. Douglas not distributed is not prosperity! Real prosperity is
wrote: “We need a relationship of equality, a relation- distributed prosperity. I look forward to the day when
ship of proportion, a relationship of permanence, of politicians extol the distribution of prosperity to each
stability, between Financial Credit and Real Credit.” person; to each family! It has not yet been done.
Who makes Real Credit? Where does a country’s The Pope added: “If such a just distribution of
capacity to produce come from? The author of Real goods were not to be effected, or just imperfectly
Credit is God! ensured, the true end of the national economy
If He had not made the earth with everything on would not be achieved, opulent though the abun-
it — the trees in the forests, the rivers, the sea, their dance of available goods might be. since the people
waters, the sun which draws the water to the clouds, would not be rich, but poor, as they would not [have
the mountains which allow the existence of waterfalls been] invited to share in that abundance.”
that can be harnessed for energy... all these forces, We have been witnesses of poverty and the poor
already known to man as well as the unknown ones, while there is an abundance of wealth! As long as
which are up to us to discover... if God had not cre- wealth is not distributed, and the people remain poor,
ated all these things then man would not be able to then we have no right to say that prosperity reigns!
use them for his needs. Such is the mission which Is this a wealthy country? Yes! Very well then, this
God gave to Adam, even after his sin: “Dominate the is a judgment against the government. The people
earth, you have sinned, but dominate the earth, do are poor, and the country is rich. The government is
your best to dominate it, nonetheless!” guilty! v Louis Even MICHAEL May/June/July 2020 37