Page 38 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 38
A Prophetic Message
for the United States
Yves & Anne Marie Jacques
his past January, on the occasion of the March [your] lives, God will visit [you] with punishments as
for Life in Washington, DC, our nation witnessed yet unknown.”
Twhat may be the beginning of an unfolding of Today, the United States, under President Trump,
the promises made by Our Lady of America to Sr. is leading the world in opposing the evils of not only
Mary Ephrem (Mildred Neuzil), a nun in a Fostoria, abortion, but the entire anti-God, global agenda
Ohio convent in the 1950’s. Her promise was of a One World Order.
that the United States of America “would
lead the world to peace”. The pro- This year marked the first time in
phetic words of Our Lady indicate the history of the March for Life that
a very specific mission, “America, the country’s leader stood with
the United States in particular, those gathered in Washington,
is being given the tremen- DC to show his support for
dous, yet privileged, oppor- the most basic and funda-
tunity to lead all nations in mental, but at the same
a spiritual renewal never time, the most threat-
before so necessary, so ened right of humanity:
important, so vital.” the RIGHT TO LIFE. The
greatest supporters of
Sr. Mary Ephram this God-given right are
continued in her diary, the YOUTH of America
“I was afraid that the who came together at
burden of leadership the March to defend
would be too great the lives of the inno-
for the United States cent human beings in
without some special their mothers’ wombs
help from heaven. Our who are victims of the
Lady assured me that terrible sins rampant in
Michael and the whole our nation: impurity, in-
army of Blessed Spir- justice and selfishness.
its will give their as- The President remarked
sistance at all times. As to the ‘tens of thousands
the Queen of Angels she of high school and col-
has loving command over lege students’ present that
them and they accomplish “it’s your generation that
whatever she wishes. This is making America the pro-
made me feel better and the family, pro-life nation!”
fears that I had left me… It is
evident that the forces of evil The climax of the day was
are enveloping the world. Their the March itself. As the throngs
hatred, however, is now particularly began slowly moving up Consti-
focused on the United States because tution Avenue in Washington, many
of the Divine Mandate given to it to lead prayed aloud, some silently, some
the world to peace.” chanted or sang hymns. Groups recited the
Rosary or the chaplet of Divine Mercy while car-
In her subsequent apparitions to Sr. Neuzil, Our rying banners proclaiming that LIFE is a gift from Al-
Blessed Mother’s messages are somber and urgent. “I mighty God. It was as though one HUGE procession of
come to you, children of America, as a last resort…” the Faith of this nation had been organized in order
And speaking sternly about the future of the United to be God’s witnesses to the world. President Trump’s
States, “My children in America…unless [you] do profound message reverberated: “Every human soul
penance by mortification and self-denial and reform is divine and every human life, born and unborn, is
38 MICHAEL May/June/July 2020