Page 34 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 34

All Have Rights to the Goods of the Earth

         Louis Even speaks at the Annual Congress at Trois Rivieres, Quebec in 1957

            Excerpts are included from a
        talk given by Louis Even at the
        Congress of the Pilgrims of St.
        Michael in Trois Rivières, Quebec,
        in 1957. In it, Mr. Even reflects on
        Pope Pius XII’s radio message of
        June 1st, 1941.
            Dear Social Crediters,
            If we are to expect a year of
        achievements,  then  we  must  be
        prepared to embark upon a year
        of  hard  work,  keeping  in  mind
        the  importance  of  what  we  are
        undertaking. We are always ask-
        ing our Social Crediters to apply
        more effort, to work harder and to
        sacrifice more.To fully convince
        everyone that Social Credit is as
        wonderful  as  it  seems  we  could
        go on for days talking about its
        many  positive  aspects.  But,  for
        this afternoon, I will focus on one
        main point and touch lightly on
        others in passing.

            Restoring the Rights
            of the Human Person
            Social Credit would have
        lawful human rights re-estab-       At the 1957 Congress, Mr. Even (right) received a portrait of Pope Pius XII
        lished for all persons. That, in it-
        self, says a lot! This means that
        each person must be given what         Each of us has an eternal des-  available to all,  according  to  the
        is his due: not as a group, not as   tiny. Each is called to live the div-  principles of justice and charity!”
        a nation, not as a class of people   ine life of God by His grace for all   When the Pope says “all” note
        and not as a labour union! To      eternity. But to do this we need   that  no  one  is  excluded!  So,  for
        each person his lawful rights!     a  favourable  environment.  Con-  anyone who does not want Social
        Each person!                       sequently, we must look after our   Credit, but who desires the rights of
                                           temporal needs, always keeping
            Each and every one of us has   in mind our eternal destiny. For   “each and everyone”, let them give
        a destiny to fulfill, a destiny that   this we must not get caught up in   us an alternative formula so that we
        will  endure  throughout  all  eter-  materialism, nor allow ourselves   may secure justice and charity for
        nity.  But  while  each  person  is   to be deceived by communist or   everyone!
        here on earth it is important that   socialist ideas which favour state      Full Employment
        he enjoys a climate conducive      rather than individual rights!            is not a Solution
        to the fulfillment of his destiny.                                       To  proponents  of  “full  em-
        What  concerns  us  then,  as  So-     What exactly are the rights of   ployment”  policies,  please  explain
        cial Crediters, lies precisely in this   the human person? In the radio   how  a  baby  will  be  hired  to  have
        domain: establishing an order,     broadcast delivered by Pius XII    his  rights  secured?  How  will  an
        whether  political,  economic  or   on June 1st, 1941, on Pentecost   elderly  person  be  hired?  How  will
        social, which fosters the develop-  Sunday,  the  Pope  outlined  the   the  woman  at  home  raising  chil-
        ment of each human person in       rights of every human being:       dren be hired so that she receives
        their pilgrimage toward their per-     “The things God has created    an income? To expect to resolve
        sonal destiny.                     were for all men and should be     this social problem simply by giv-

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