Page 26 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 26

u even make surpluses by downloading its deficit onto   Government having spent only $37 billion (8.75%                             The COVID-19 pandemic: when
        provinces and municipalities, forcing them to increase   of the debt) for actual goods and services.)
        their own provincial debts accordingly. Yet the tactic   Fortuantely, more and more people understand
        has not prevented the increase of the overall debt.   this fraudulent scheme of creating money as a debt.                  confidence reaches its lowest level
            When Canada was founded in 1867 (the union       example, Mr. Gilbert Vik of Cathlamet, Washington,
        of four provinces — Ontario, Quebec, New Bruns-      wrote a few years ago, this very interesting letter:
        wick, and Nova Scotia), the country’s debt was $93       “For every person in our country, there is
        million. The first major increase took place during   $20,000 of money in existence. Sounds good! But
        World War I (1914-18), when Canada’s public debt     there is $64,000 of debt! Apply your $20,000 to the
        went up from $483 million in 1913 to $3 billion in   debt, and that money will cease to exist, leaving
        1920. The second major increase  took  place dur-    you without any money and $44,000 of debt. Your
        ing World War II (1939-45), when the debt went up    options are to forfeit your assets or borrow more
        from $4 billion in 1942 to $13 billion in 1947. These   money to attempt to pay. You cannot borrow your-
        two increases may be explained by the fact that the   self out of debt!
        Government had to borrow large sums of money in
                                                                 “Since the method of money creation is itself
        order to take part in these two wars.                the cause of the ever-increasing debt, it is not pos-
            But how can be explained the phenomenal in-      sible to correct the problem using any method that
        crease of these last years, when the debt almost in-  deals with money after it has been created.
        creased ten times, passing from $24 billion in 1975
        to $224 billion in 1986, in peacetime (then $671 bil-    “Working harder will not correct it. Working
        lion in 2018), when Canada had no need to borrow     longer hours will not correct it. Having a job for
        for war? It is the effect of compound interest, like   everyone in the family will not correct it. Neither
        in the example of the island in The Money Myth Ex-   raising nor lowering wages will correct it. Full em-
        ploded.                                              ployment will not correct it. Less spending will not
             Debts of federal governments represent huge     correct it. More spending will not correct it. (And
        sums, but they are only the peak of the iceberg: If   the list goes on...)
        there are public debts, there are also private debts!    “The only thing that will correct it is the one
        The Federal Government is the biggest single bor-    thing that is sacrosanct in the media, in education,
        rower, but not the only borrower in the country:     in politics, and, yes, even in our social circles. The
        there  are  also  individuals  and  companies.  In  the   only thing that will correct it is to strip private com-
        United States, in 1992, the public debt was $4 tril-  panies (banks) of their power to create money as
        lion, and the total debt was $16 trillion, with an   debt at interest, and to adopt a method of money
        existing money supply of only $950 billion. In 2020,   creation whereby the United States Treasury cre-
        the debt of the U.S. government reached $25 tril-    ates money as credit!
        lion, which gives you some idea of what the total        “This issue is the key issue to the financial
        debt is...                                           future of our nation and world! This chicanery is
            In his November 1993 report, Canada’s Auditor    practiced throughout the world! We must turn an
        General calculated that of the $423 billion in net   entrenched,  centuries  old  financial  establishment
        debt accumulated from Confederation to 1992, only    on its ear! Read about it. Study it. Understand it.
        $37 billion went to make up the shortfall in program   Talk about it. Then raise some hell!” The best way
        spending. The remaining $386 billion covered what    to do all that is to get people around you to sub-
        it has cost to borrow that $37 billion. In other words,   scribe to MICHAEL!
        91% of the debt consisted of interest charges, the                                                          Alain Pilote

                               We hope to offer a Study Session on Economic Democracy
                            In Light of the Social Doctrine of the Church in Rougemont, Can-
                            ada beginning September 20 until September 26.  The Annual
                            Congress will follow September 27 until September 29 and the
                            Siege of Jericho, a time of prayer, from October 1 to October
                            3. Please contact us in advance to register and to ensure this
                            schedule has not changed. There is no cost to attend.
                               The monthly meetings in Rougemont, Canada  have  been
                            cancelled  since March 2020 due to  government  restrictions
                            on assembly. These regularly scheduled meetings will resume
                            when allowed. Please contact us to confirm.

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