Page 11 - HQ May June July 2020
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the one hand, the exclusive desire for profit and, on The Trilateral Commission
the other hand, the thirst for power in order to impo- The Trilateral Commission was founded in July
se on others his will” (n. 37). This describes what is 1973 by David Rockefeller, then Chairman of The
going on in the hearts of international financiers. One Chase Manhattan Bank of New York. The Commis-
can ask if they possess a heart because one of their sion carved three major economic regions: the Euro-
explicit aims is drastic population reduction. After all,
7 billion people are difficult to control! (see page 16). pean, North American, and the Asia Pacific. Under
the pretext of effective competition, the goal is that
The Illuminati member countries of each region merge to form one
The quest for a world government has been a long state and thus three super states would be formed.
standing endeavour. On February 17, 1953, financier The goal of a one-world government would be thus
Paul Warburg told the U.S. Senate: “We will have one step closer to reality.
a world government whether you like it or not, by Its mission is to “harmonize the political, econo-
conquest or by consent.” This quest for world domi- mic, social, and cultural relations between the three
nation originated in the secret society called the Order major economic regions in the world”. This objective
of the Illuminati, founded in 1776, by Adam Weis- has almost been achieved in Europe with the creation
haupt. The name Illuminati derives from Lucifer and of the European Union. Since 1999, these countries
means bearers of the light. The mission of the secret have one currency, the Euro.
society is the subjugation of the entire human race to
an elite oligarchy of financiers. The eventual merger of the North American
The Great Seal of the United States of region began with the signing of the North
America was adopted on September American Free Trade Agreement (NAF-
15, 1776. The front depicts the bald TA) between Canada, the United Sta-
eagle and coat of arms. The reverse tes, and later Mexico. (Subsequent
side shows a 13- stepped pyramid trade agreements have been ne-
with an eye, surrounded by rays gotiated since.) Economic union
of golden light, set in a triangle paves the way for political union.
at the pyramid’s unfinished ze- The Amero has already been
nith. ANNUIT COEPTIS is shown designed as the single currency
above the pyramid and transla- for the Americas.
tes as “our enterprise has been Faced with two economic
crowned with success”. Beneath giants, a united Europe and the
the pyramid are the Latin words, united Americas, the Asian Pacific
NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, which countries merger, in order to com-
mean “new order of the ages” or pete in international trade, would be
“new world order”. The date in Roman inevitable.
numerals at the pyramid’s base is MDC- However, this plan of three super-sta-
CLXXVI, which represents the year 1776. tes has been on the wane since the withdrawal of
Most assume the Roman numeral date acknowled- Great Britain from the European Union (Brexit). More
ged the year in which the Declaration of Independence countries in southern Europe are claiming they are
was signed. In fact, the founding of the Order of the Illu- not receiving necessary aid and that the E.U.’s centra-
minati, on May 1, 1776, is being recognized. The pyra- lized decision making is not serving member states’
mid is the insignia of the Order of the Illuminati. The py- needs. (See Archbishop Crepaldi’s commentary on
ramid itself represents the replacement of God, and the page 18).
Catholic Church in particular, with the secular one-world
government planned by the financial elite centuries ago. The coronavirus crisis: a planned pandemic?
The Illuminati’s insignia has appeared on the back The E.U.’s centralized system of governance has
of the U.S. dollar bill since 1933 by order of President been unstable as described in the preceding paragra-
Franklin D. Roosevelt. (In this year, Roosevelt laun- ph. How very timely that a public health crisis emer-
ched the New Deal, a series of economic programs ged: the coronavirus! Is it the golden opportunity for
and policies to address the effects of the Great De- the globalist financiers to advance at hyper speed
pression.) and impose a one-world government?
The appearance of the insignia of The Order of the
Illuminati on the dollar bill signifies that Weishaupt’s The virus is believed to have originated in China’s
followers regard that their efforts are crowned with Wuhan province but there are different versions of
success in that they have effective control of the go- the story. The most repeated version is that the virus
vernment of the United States. is from a public wet market where animals are sold
while others claim it was created in a laboratory in
1 Interested readers can also research The Council on Wuhan. Some say its release from the laboratory was u
Foreign Relations, Bilderberg group and others MICHAEL May/June/July 2020 11