Page 12 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 12
u accidental and others propose a sinister motive: about their normal business without much impact on
its use as a biological weapon. Chinese authorities the economy. For example, Sweden decided not to
counter that Americans created the virus and infec- restrict its population significantly and has no more
ted the Chinese population of Wuhan. reported deaths from the coronavirus than the nei-
Regardless, international financiers have seized ghbouring country, Norway, which did impose major
this global pandemic as an opportunity to more restrictions on its population and economy. Perhaps
quickly implement their plans for world domina- we might have asked the population to self-quarantine
tion. We may never know with certainty the virus’ if symptomatic, or for all people to wear face masks
origin but it does not affect the oligarchs’ inten- in public without stopping normal activities. Certainly
tions. Whether the virus had an animal origin or quarantining healthy people goes against logic.
was accidentally or intentionally created as a bio-
logical weapon does not ultimately matter because
the resulting pandemic has become the globalists
“plan-demic” (planned pandemic).
The measures imposed on many nations to os-
tensibly ‘flatten the curve’ and stop the spread of this
virus has resulted in the cancellation of most of our
cherished God-given and nationally enshrined rights
and freedoms. Much of the population is confined,
association is restricted, economic activity has
ground to a halt with millions now unemployed, tra-
vel is scrutinized and religious practice has become
almost criminalized. Will we soon require written
authorization from the state to leave our home and Social confinement and job loss may cause more
then only for medical appointments, pharmaceuti- deaths, and other disastrous consequences, than the
cals and groceries? virus itself. Suicides, domestic violence and depres-
This is a prescription for the collapse of the world sion have increased. The remedy has become worse
economy and its replacement with the oligarch’s than the virus that it purported to treat.
vision for a New World Order, a one-world govern- Demoralization and a permanent state of fear is
ment in which sovereignty is abolished. Such an one result of news reports which may inaccurately
unthinkable theft of our natural rights and freedoms present the extent of the deaths and the risks of in-
would have been impossible to impose on the popu- fection. Other reports suggest that more than 90%
lation in normal times. The pretext of a global public of people infected with coronavirus recover sponta-
health emergency has made it possible. Protests are neously without any medical intervention and have
now emerging but initially states’ controls were res- thus developed natural immunity. In addition, the an-
pected from a concern for the common good, and nual ‘flu’ takes the lives of many more people than has
most people’s confidence in ‘expert’ analysis. Was the coronavirus. Some medical doctors are claiming
the message that economic shutdown and other res- that the death count attributed to coronavirus in the
trictions were essential to save lives true or was it a media is inflated, citing that 90% of deaths due to CO-
manipulation? VID-19 were of people who already had one, two or
Have we made the right choices? even three comorbid conditions. We have heard that
In the recent past, there have been other public the virus has been indicated as the cause of death for
people in New York state who were never tested for
health infections, such as the Hong Kong flu in 1957 COVID-19. The numbers of reported deaths leave us
and the swine flu, called H1N1. Entire populations with many questions about the truth and motives.
were not confined and economies shut down during
these periods. This time, government authorities told However, from the point of view of the propo-
us that the appearance of COVID-19 was an unpre- nents of a one-world government and totalitarian
cedented public health emergency and that there control, collapsing the economic system and having
was no option but to impose total containment of the a fearful population is perfect. It may not have been a
population. prescription intentionally ordered by governments,
but it certainly fits financiers’ plans to implement a
However, many question the narrative and claim New World Order.
that confining all citizens was not the best approach;
quarantine of the sick and those at risk, in this case, On another note, we have been told that the co-
people of over the age of 70, would have been more ronavirus can be transmitted by using paper money
logical. The rest of the population could then go and everywhere we are encouraged to make purcha-
ses with plastic cards. In past issues of this maga-
12 MICHAEL May/June/July 2020