Page 13 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 13
zine, MICHAEL (the latest in October 2017), we have
published articles explaining the oligarchs preference
for a digital economy and the elimination of paper
money. Digital currency exists only electronically on
bank cards. Is it a stretch to imagine that we will be
encouraged, or required, to have something like a
bank chip implanted directly into the human body?
The financiers will then easily herd and control us like
An implanted device would allow us to be loca-
ted at all times, as is currently the case in China with
their so-called “social credit” surveillance system nation will not have the means of payment required
(see page 15). Twenty years ago we talked about a to sustain life.
chip that was the size of a grain of rice. Now, with the
development of nanotechnology, chips are invisible A Luciferian Conspiracy
to the naked eye, and are the size of a nanometer, To describe the Illuminati as Luciferian is not a
which is 1 billionth of a meter; the distance between figure of speech but is literally exact. The leaders of
two atoms. Such a device could readily be injected the Illuminati worship satan and their objective is to
via a vaccine. Is this part of Bill Gates’ enthusiastic have the entire world bow to him. Through his mi-
campaign to vaccinate every human being on the pla- nions on earth, satan continues his rebellion against
net? God by endeavoring to foil God’s plan for redemp-
We were told that confinement would only last tion and snatch as many souls as possible.
two weeks, then two more weeks, then one month, Like satan, the financiers believe they are more
etc. We have also now been told that there is a risk clever than God, HImself. They believe they alone
of a second wave of coronavirus coming in the fall can and should rule mankind. The members of the
and so public health measures cannot be relaxed. Illuminati are people bound by a common thirst for
Some say the virus will be present for the next two money and power.
years. Above all, we are told that we cannot return
to ‘normal’ and to expect a ‘new normal’ until an Recognizing the Powers Involved
effective vaccine is developed which could take 12- Pawns in the Game, published in 1956, de-
18 months. nounced the Illuminati’s plan for world domination.
The vaccine and Bill Gates Author William Guy Carr explained we must first
Bill Gates raised this timeline and it has been recognize that we are dealing not only with earthly
advanced by authorities around the world, including powers but with spiritual powers and that the battle
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Gates has is a continuation of satan’s rebellion against God.
been clear: “There will be no return to normal until We must choose whom we will serve and for whom
ALL the people of the planet are vaccinated.” Who is we will fight: God or satan.
Bill Gates and by what authority does he make such After acknowledging the spiritual dimension of
a statement? Gates is the founder of the computer the battle, practical steps will be necessary to coun-
company Microsoft and is one of the richest men in teract the plan of the financiers, says the author.
the world. For years, his charity, the Bill and Melinda ‘The electors must insist that the issue of money
Gates Foundation, has been devoted to global vac- be returned into the hands of Government where it
cination and is a major donor of the World Health rightfully belongs.’
Organization (WHO). Interestingly, one of their sta- Prayers and sacrifices to obtain the assistance of
ted goals for ‘sustainability’ is a 15% reduction of the heaven are certainly needed in order to thwart the
world’s population. financiers’ plans but practical methods are also ne-
Bill Gates has spearheaded a project called ID cessary. Monetary reform, as conceived by Clifford
2020 that is associated with his goals for vaccina- Hugh Douglas, is the only system feared by finan-
tion against the coronavirus. This project would ciers as it would end their control over the nations of
provide a digital identity to each human being. It the earth. The world needs Economic Democracy.
would prove vaccination against the coronavirus This is the time for social money, created debt-free
and thus allow one to work, move freely and enjoy by society. Debt-money, or bank credit created by
access to government services. The vaccine would private banks, must end.
insert the tiny chip allowing digital identification,
purchases and determining one’s location by satel- And let us remain vigilant so that emergency
lite, etc. When this system is in place, paper money measures and restrictions do not become perma-
will have no purpose and anyone refusing the vacci- nent measures. v Alain Pilote
‘ MICHAEL May/June/July 2020 13