Page 7 - Michael 2024 January
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I was privileged to read a 96-page pamphlet that ex-  printing house (Sept. 4, 1938) , and become a Full-time
        plained Social Credit to me (J. Crate Larkin’s booklet,   Pilgrim for the great Social Credit cause.”
        From Debt to Prosperity). I was not looking for Social   During the winter of 1935-36, all the employees at
        Credit on that particular day. However, I was looking   Garden City Press were made aware of Douglas’ doc-
        for something that would put an end to the stupid fi-  trine during the weekly courses on money and credit.
        nancial crisis with which we were all struggling dur-
        ing that time.                                            In early January 1936,  the Association of Char-
                                                             tered Accountants of the City of Quebec, at the sug-
            “I had read many things that day, besides having   gestion of Brother Ferdinand, a professor at the Aca-
        worked at my regular job. I was a professor for the   démie commerciale, asked Mr. Even to give a lecture
        workers  of  our  printing  house,  of  which  there  were   on Social Credit.  Mr. Even had a choice audience that
        more than 100 workers. Every week we held a study-   evening. Among them, in the front row: Mr. J.-Ernest
        session with the workers. We had chosen for that par-  Grégoire, mayor of Quebec City and Member of the
        ticular day a session on the question of money and   Legislative Assembly of Quebec for Montmagny; his
        credit. Therefore, we were looking for documentaries   friend, Doctor Philippe Hamel, also a MLA and a great
        on the subject. I had read many manuscripts, a few   fighter against the trusts; their mutual friend, Doctor
        small pamphlets and different books that had been           Marcoux; the editor-in-chief of the newspaper
        sent to us. In all of these documen-                                     L’Action  Catholique,  Eugène
        taries,  I found that  efforts                                               l’Heureux,  etc.  There  were
        were made to improve the                                                     also several  brothers from
        situation.  But  there  were                                                the  Académie  and  others
        things that were ridiculous;                                                from the public who were to
        there  were  problems  in  all                                             become active members of
        of  them.  They  were  saying                                              the movement in formation.
        that  one  could come to the
        help  of the  people  but  not                                                That same year, Louis
        without  requiring  something.                                            Even  submitted a  project he
        Not without the condition that                                            had had in mind for a long time:
        programs  were  put  together,                                           the  publication of a periodical
        or  that  a  dictatorship  was  in-                                      newsletter (monthly if possible),
        stalled, or that socialism was es-                                      which  he  would  call  Cahiers  du
        tablished in order to come to the                                       Crédit Social (Social Credit book-
                                                                                lets). The first issue of Cahiers du
        help of the people.                                                    Crédit  Social  was  dated  October
            “When I came  upon Social                                          1936.  Mr.  Even  was  still  working
        Credit, I said: ‘This is fantastic!’ It hit me straight be-  at  Garden  City  press.  He  wrote  the  Cahiers  in  his
        tween the eyes like a thunderbolt, and I made up my   evenings and toured the country on weekends.
        mind immediately that I had just discovered a “truth”
        on my path. The other books all had shadows in their     The  Cahiers  never  exceeded  2,400 subscribers;
        overall portrayal of the problems with the financial   but a good proportion of the copies were sold through
        system at that particular time. There were no grey   the intermediary of propagandists who regularly took
        areas in Social Credit’s overall picture of the exact   40 copies for a dollar for each issue, selling them at 5
        problem with the financial system. A very great truth   cents each. The Cahiers could not be published regu-
        had fallen onto my path.                             larly every month. Enough copies had to be sold to
                                                             pay the printer at least part of the accumulated debt
            “After reading a few pages on Social Credit, even   before a new issue could be published. In three years,
        before I completed the entire book, when I saw what   from October 1936 to August 1939, a total of 16 issues
        Social Credit was all about, I said to myself: ‘This is so   appeared. v
        wonderful that all people have to come to know what                                                              Louis Even
        Social Credit is. It came upon my path; it has to be
        put onto the path of all people.’ It is Providence who   Finally, in September 1939, just as Canada entered
        put Social Credit onto my path, and even though I was   the war against Germany, the decision was made to
        not very wealthy at that particular time in my life and I   launch a periodical (in French), Vers Demain (literally,
        did not know how to go about making this great truth   Towards  Tomorrow,  for  a  better    future)  which  has
        known to everyone, I had the desire to do so. I was   been published continuously ever since. In 1953,  in
        practically vowing that I would start to make this great   order to reach the English-speaking world, Louis Even
        truth known to everyone as soon as possible. I kept   founded a magazine that he called Social Credit, and
        working at my regular job, and I could only give time to   later, The Union of Electors. Between 1968 and 1973,
        the cause of Social Credit on weekends. Then one day,   the periodical was titled Vers Demain like its French
        thanks to the initiative and support of Mrs. Gilberte   counterpart. In 1974, the title was changed to Michael.
        Cote-Mercier, I was able to leave my regular job at the   This periodical has also been published in Polish since
                                                             September, 1999, and in Spanish since April, 2003.                                             MICHAEL  January/February 2024      7
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