Page 18 - Michael 2024 May
P. 18

Social Credit and the Kingdom of God

                “The future of Christian civilization depends
                 on those who have grasped Douglas’ idea.”

            Here  are  excerpts from  Eric                       If the present state of the world is not the
        Butler’s book  “Releasing Reality”,                  result of policies fashioned by individuals who are
        subtitled  “Social  Credit  and  the                 organized to advance those policies, but is the result
        Kingdom of God”, which was                           of blind forces and mere chance, then clearly there is
        produced  in 1979 to  commemorate                    nothing the individual can do about averting further
        the centenary of the birth of Clifford               disasters. This is the village idiot theory of history,
        Hugh Douglas. It demonstrates                        and naturally it tends to produce a passive attitude
        how Social Credit brings a new                       towards events. It cripples individual initiative.
        relevance  to every aspect of  man’s   Eric Butler
        affairs.  The  author  concludes with                   Christianity did not develop by chance
        the observation that the future  of Christianity now     But the absurdity of the theory can be
        depends upon those who have grasped the “glimpse     demonstrated by asking,  “Did western  Christian
        of reality” provided by Douglas:                     civilisation develop over nearly two thousand years
                                                             by ‘mere chance’?”
                        by Eric D. Butler                        The development took place because sufficient
            Astronomical debt, crushing taxation and inflation   individuals strove, sacrificed, many died, to advance
        produced in the Roman Empire the same disastrous     a concept of how individuals should live together in
        economic, social and political results which are a   society. The retreat from that civilisation has taken
        feature of what is now clearly another disintegrating   place because individuals, with an anti-Christian
        civilisation.  The  lessons of history are  vital.  Those   view of how men should live, have used instruments
        who refuse to learn from the disasters of history are   of power and influence to strive to create a world
        doomed to repeat those disasters.                    in which their philosophy prevails. They must be
            Douglas’s   vital  contribution  towards   an    described as conspirators, even though many of
        understanding of real history was to show how the    them are in competition with one another.
        money system has,  over centuries, been  a  major
        instrument through which power has been centralized.             “Practical Christianity”
                                                                 Douglas shed a blinding light on much of what
                 The basic flaw in the system                had appeared obscure or irrelevant concerning
            Douglas described how when he first made         Christianity. His presentation of the vital importance
        his discovery about the basic flaw in the present    of the Doctrine of the Incarnation was a revelation to
        finance-economic system, he thought that all he      me, and I have long come to the conclusion that Social
        had to do was to tell those in control of the system   Credit  is,  as Douglas said,  “practical  Christianity”,
        about the flaw, that they would thank him, and then   and that the very future of genuine Christianity
        proceed to correct the flaw. But he soon discovered   now depends upon Social Credit and the  Douglas
        that so far from wanting to correct the flaw, those in   revelations.
        control of financial policy were determined to resist    It  is  relatively  easy  to  criticize  the  alleged
        any  suggestion  of  correcting  a  flaw  which made   disastrous effects of Christianity  on the  human
        the progressive centralization of power appear       drama, but G. K. Chesterton was right when he said
        inevitable.                                          that so far from Christianity having failed, it had not
            The Marxists and other will-to-power groups also   yet been tried. To the extent that it had been tried, it
        strongly resisted any corrective policy which would   has resulted in a tremendous advance for mankind.
        remove the conditions they require for revolution.       Without the Christian influence, the highwater
            As Douglas said, he soon realised that he was    mark of western civilisation, reached before the First
        embarking  upon  a  project which would not  only    World  War,  would  never  have  been  possible.  Since
        absorb the whole of his lifetime, but many lifetimes   then, there has been a retreat from Christianity.
        to come.  In  revealing  the  basic flaw in  the  finance-  That retreat can, however, be reversed if sufficient
        economic system, Douglas was brought face to face    individuals will, with proper humility, search for what
        with the more basic question of the age-old power    has gone wrong, and realistic repentance takes place.

        18     MICHAEL  May/June/July 2024                                    
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