Page 11 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 11

“This power becomes particularly irresist-
           ible when exercised by those who, because

             they hold and control money, are able also
                 to govern credit and determine its allot-

         ment, for that reason supplying, so to speak,
              the lifeblood to the entire economic body,

            and grasping, as it were, in their hands the
          very soul of production, so that no one dare

                       breathe against their will.” – Pius XI

            problem is “the calamitous system that accom-    system. Further, each loan that is repaid to the bank
        panies  Capitalism”.  In  his  encyclical,  Populorum   ceases to exist. The money that formed the loan is
        Progressio (“The Development of Peoples”, March      withdrawn from circulation.
        26, 1967, n. 26.), he writes:                            The  fundamental  flaw  in  the  system  is  that
            “This unchecked  liberalism  leads  to  dictator-  when banks create  new money in the  form of
        ship rightly denounced by Pope Pius XI as produ-     loans, borrowers are expected to pay back more
        cing ‘the international imperialism of money’. One   money than the bank created.  Banks create  the
        cannot condemn such abuses too strongly  be-         principal amount but not the interest. As it is im-
        cause — let us again recall solemnly — the econ-     possible to pay back money that does not exist,
        omy should be at the service of man. But if it is    the only solution is to borrow even more money
        true that a type of capitalism has been the source   in order to pay the interest on the principal. Thus,
        of excessive  suffering,  injustices  and  fratricidal   unpayable debts accumulate.
        conflicts whose effects still  persist,  it  would be    Creating money as debt is the mechanism used
        wrong to attribute to industrialization itself evils   to impose control not only upon individuals but on
        that belong to the calamitous system that accom-     the entire world.
        panied it. On the contrary, one must recognize in        “Among  the actions and attitudes  opposed
        all justice the irreplaceable contribution made by   to the will of God, the good of neighbour and the
        the organization and the growth of industry to the   ‘structures’ created  by them, two are  very  typ-
        task of development.”
                                                             ical: on the one hand, the all-consuming desire for
         The Flaw in the System: Money is Created            profit, and on the other, the thirst for power, with
                      by Banks as a Debt                     the intention of imposing one’s will upon others.”
            The financial system has been diverted from its   (Pope St. John Paul II, Sollicitudo rei socialis, n. 37.)
        goal and does not fulfill its true purpose. Money is     If there was only $1 in circulation in the country,
        rightly a tool of service. But, bankers, by appropriat-  it had to have been loaned by a bank. Let us sup-
        ing control over its creation, have contorted money   pose the bank lent $1 at a 6% rate of interest. At the
        into an instrument of domination. In Quadragesimo    end of one year, $1 must be paid back to the bank,
        Anno, Pope Pius XI states:                           plus 6% interest, or 6 cents. The fact is that only $1
                                                             exists in the country, not $1.06. It is impossible to
            “This power becomes particularly  irresist-      pay back both the principal and the interest as the
        ible when exercised by those who, because they       interest, 6 cents, was never created.
        hold and control money, are able also to govern
        credit and determine its allotment, for that reason      For money to remain in circulation, debts and
        supplying, so to speak, the lifeblood to the entire   bankruptcies must accumulate. Creating a nation’s
        economic body, and grasping, as it were, in their    money as a debt is an absurdity. Worse still, gov-
        hands the very soul of production, so that no one    ernments persist in borrowing money from private
        dare breathe against their will.”                    banks; money that  a  government  could create  it-
                                                             self, interest free. This practice forces responsibility
            Since  banks  only  issue money  as  an  interest   for an astronomical debt’s interest charges onto an
        bearing loan, we see that all money is created as a   unwitting public. There should be no debt, whatso-
        debt. No nation can repay its debt under the current
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