Page 13 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 13

“Through his work man enters into two in-
         heritances: the inheritance of what is given to

          the whole of humanity in the resources of na-

          ture, and the inheritance of what others have
             already developed on the basis of those re-

            sources... that is  to say, increasingly perfect
                  instruments for work.” – St. John Paul II

            “These goods must be  sufficient  to  supply     rich or through  taxation.  The  Dividend  is justified
        all  needs and an honest livelihood,  and to uplift   on a twofold basis: God gave us abundant natural
        men to that higher level of prosperity and culture   resources and because we are each beneficiaries of
        which, provided it be used with prudence, is not     developments in technology shared from one gen-
        only no hindrance but is of singular help to virtue.”  eration to the next.
              Earthly Goods are Intended for All                 “Through his work man enters into two inherit-
            Pope Pius reminds us that “each and everyone”    ances: the inheritance of what is given to the whole
                                                             of humanity in the resources of nature, and the in-
        is entitled to material goods. This statement under-  heritance of what others have already developed
        lines the  Church’s social doctrine that  states that   on the basis of those resources, primarily by de-
        earthly goods are intended for all.                  veloping technology, that is to say, by producing
            “God intended the earth and all that it contains   a whole collection of increasingly perfect instru-
        for the use of every human being and people. Thus,   ments for work.” (St. John Paul II,  Laborem exer-
        as all men follow justice and unite in charity, creat-  cens, “Through Work”, September 15, 1981, n. 12.)
        ed goods should abound for them on a reasonable
        basis... The right to have a share of earthly goods         Full Employment is Materialistic
        sufficient for oneself and one’s family belongs to       The Social Credit Dividend is the logical solution
        everyone.” (Second Vatican Council, Pastoral Con-    to the fact that human labor is being replaced by
        stitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaud-   machinery. Not implementing Social Credit results
        ium et Spes, “The Joy and the Hope”, n. 69.)         in the creation of useless jobs. To justify these jobs,
            The Church faults capitalism because it does     artificial needs are created by persuasive advertis-
        not ensure that all human beings have access to a    ing, in order that the public buy products that are
        minimum of material goods to allow for a decent      not genuinely needed. Hence, the term “consumer-
        standard  of living.  As well,  even  in  the  most ad-  ism” was coined.
        vanced countries, there are many who do not sate         Another problem we have noted is the process
        their hunger.  The ‘universal destination of goods’   of planned obsolescence. Goods are manufactured
        is not attained. There is an abundance of products,   to last only a short time so that more can be made,
        but sadly, the system of distribution is broken.     more sold, and more money gained. This results in
            “God gave the earth to the whole human race      wasted natural resources and harm caused to the
        for the sustenance of all of its members, without    environment.
        excluding  or  favouring  anyone.  This  is  the  foun-  Pope Paul VI wrote in 1967 in Populorum Pro-
        dation of the universal destination of the earth’s   gressio, n. 75.: “More than any other, the individual
        goods... It is a strict duty of justice and truth not   who is animated by true charity labors skillfully to
        to allow fundamental human needs to remain un-       discover the causes of misery, to find the means to
        satisfied, and not to allow those burdened by such   combat it, and to overcome it resolutely.”
        needs to perish.” (St. John Paul II, Centesimus an-      Louis Even  discovered the source of people’s
        nus, “Hundredth Year”, nn. 31 and 34.)               misery: the creation and control of money by pri-
                  The Social Credit Dividend                 vate banks. He also found the means by which to

            The  Social Credit Dividend, a  guaranteed  in-  combat this fraud: the education of the public. That
                                                             is why he founded MICHAEL. Let all those who thirst
        come given to each of the country’s citizens, would   for justice study and spread Social Credit by making
        ensure that goods are distributed universally. Each   MICHAEL known to others. v
        person would be made a true capitalist whose basic                                                            Alain Pilote
        needs would be met without either plundering the                                                                               13
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