Page 17 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
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governments in the civilized world—no longer a coln, Otto von Bismarck, Prime Minister of Prussia
government by free opinion, no longer a govern- and later first Chancellor of Germany, wrote:
ment by conviction and the vote of the majority, “The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Chris-
but a government by the opinion and the duress tendom... I fear that foreign bankers with their
of small groups of dominant men.” craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control
Long before Wil- the exuberant riches of America and use it to sys-
son, Thomas Jefferson, tematically corrupt modern civilization. They will
president of the United not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom
States from 1801 to 1809, into wars and chaos in order that the earth should
wrote in 1816: become their inherit-
“I sincerely believe ance.”
that banking establish- The allied forces con-
ments are more dan- vened to draft the Treaty
gerous than standing of Versailles to end the
armies, and that the First World War in 1919.
Thomas Jefferson principle of spending In fact, the Treaty of Ver-
money to be paid by posterity, under the name of sailles was the work of
funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” financiers, not statesmen
Jefferson added on another occasion: and its terms contained
“If the American people ever allow private the seeds of another war. D. Lloyd Georges
banks to control the issue of their currency, first Lloyd George represented
Great Britain; Clemenceau, France; and Wilson, the
by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and cor- United States. Lloyd George later said:
porations that will grow up around them will de-
prive the people of all property until their children “The International Bankers swept statesmen,
wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side
conquered.” and issued their orders with the imperiousness of
Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States absolute monarchs.”
from 1860 until his assassination in 1865, wrote, not Even if these statesmen had not spoken out,
long before the end of the Civil War, to Colonel Wil- most people know that the best-intentioned can-
liam F. Elkins on November 21, 1864: didate becomes powerless to enact his plans after
“As a result of the war, election. Real power is not in the ballot box but
corporations have been resides rather in men who are not elected. The real
power rests in those who control money and credit.
enthroned and an era of
corruption in high places The founder of the House of Rothschild once
will follow, and the money declared cynically: “Just let me have the control
power of the country will of a nation’s credit, and I care not who makes its
endeavor to prolong its laws.”
reign by working upon the « « «
prejudices of the people It is not a parliamentary majority, no matter how
until all wealth is aggregat- great or who holds it, which will end the power of
ed in a few hands and the those who control money. In order to dethrone
Republic is destroyed.” Abraham Lincoln Mammon, another power will be needed. This is
Mr. Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury the power of a people who are educated, and have
under Abraham Lincoln, made this prophetic state- also adopted a philosophy contrary to the terms
ment: forced on us by finance. We must become a people
“My agency in procuring the passage of the who want to end the rule of Mammon. First, we
National Bank Act was the greatest financial mis- must rid society of the cult dedicated to Mammon.
take of my life. It has built up a monopoly that Then, we must adopt sound economic principles.
affects every interest in the country. It should be This is the objective of Social Crediters who fol-
repealed. But before this can be accomplished, the low the teachings offered by MICHAEL. Not only
people will be arrayed on one side and the banks must we embrace Social Credit, but we must strive
on the other, in a contest such as we have never to make it known. A just society cannot be estab-
seen before in this country.” lished without Social Credit thinking and action. v
Referring to the assassination of Abraham Lin- Louis Even 17