Page 22 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 22
Words of Appreciation for Social Credit
Before going back to Ivory Coast, Cardinal Agre We are all concerned by the peoples’ recurrent
wrote the following text, to be included in our book of misery and poverty. How can we explain the lack in
the Social Credit proposals explained in ten lessons: the bare necessities of life upon an earth so bounti-
This book, ”The Proposals of Social Credit in ful? How can we understand that millions of adults
10 lessons”, is used as a textbook during the study and children die of hunger and malnutrition?
sessions and meetings in Rougemont. In the com- How can it be that extremely rich countries col-
pany of other participants from the continents of lapse under debts that cannot be paid, unless they
Africa, America, Europe and Asia, I had the pleas- be submitted to a global vitiated financial system
ure of taking part in these instructions that I found that holds them in capitivity, thanks to a handful
both quite lively and educational. of powerful individuals who stand together to do
Following in the footsteps of Louis Even, found- evil?
er of this highly Marian organization which draws We can rightfully hope for our liberation from
its major themes from the Social Doctrine of the the banks and their merciless intermediaries. This
Catholic Church, we acknowledge the relevance of requires millions of men and women who are en-
the principles of Social Credit that calls for a new lightened, organized, filled with faith and love, who
social order based on justice and charity. rise from everywhere to cry out their discontent and
Fortunately, the recently edited Compendium build a new national and international environment
of the Catholic Church sheds a new light on the where “no one in this human family goes without
book you hold in your hands, namely through four the necessities of life.” (Benedict XVI, Deus caritas
fundamental principles: est, 25.) The Pilgrims of St. Michael have led this
- The respect of the human person battle for some seventy years. There is still a lot of
work ahead.
- The search for the common good Apostles, men of faith, specialists, men of good
- The principle of subsidiarity will, stand up; it is your turn. Do not be afraid. Christ
- And solidarity is alive and He is the Master of time and history.
The Ten Lessons on Social Credit and the Com- Rougemont, September 3, 2008
pendium are available in many languages. They are + Bernard Cardinal Agre
precious instruments of reflection both personal
and communal. Emeritus Archbishop of Abidjan
22 2008 session