Page 24 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 24
The 2009 International Congress
of the Pilgrims of St. Michael
One cardinal and four archbishops
of Africa were present in Rougemont
Damiao Odon Cardinal Agre Marie Daniel Vincent
Franklin Razanakolona Archbishop Dadiet Coulibaly
Luanda Antananarivo Emeritus of Korhogo Conakry
Angola Madagascar Abidjan Ivory Coast Guinea
The Time for the Economic Liberation of Africa Has Come
Encouraging words of Cardinal Agre at our Congress and the Synod
Our annual Congress of Sept. 5-7, 2009, in Rouge- to attend our annual Congress once again, which was
mont, was exceptional once again. We had represent- preceded by another week of study with the 10 les-
atives from 23 countries and distinguished guests sons on Social Credit.
from Africa: one cardinal, four archbishops and eight Since his first visit to Rougemont, Cardinal Agre
priests. They all pledged to make our Movement has never missed an opportunity to make us known to
known in Africa and even all over the world. other bishops, priests, and other people in high places.
The most distinguished guest was His Eminence It is Cardinal Agre who asked us to invite the four arch-
Bernard Cardinal Agre, archbishop emeritus (retired) bishops who came and they all publicly thanked His
of Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Despite his age, (83) he is still Eminence for having brought them to Rougemont and
very active in the Church and takes part in many ac- making them discover the light of Social Credit. Here
tivities, like the recent Synod of Bishops for Africa in is what the cardinal said to us in Rougemont on Friday,
Rome, Oct. 4-25. His Eminence came for the first time September 4, at the conclusion of our week of study:
to Rougemont in June 2008, on the occasion of the My dear friends, it is not the first time that I come
International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City and here — it is even the third time — but it is always with
also attended a week of study on Social Credit (which great pleasure because here I discovered while listen-
has been published in a book called The Social Credit ing to you and in seeing so many important people
proposals explained in 10 lessons). He came back in like ministers, bishops and archbishops; that hope is
September of the same year for our annual Congress permitted, because it is not possible that we have had
and came for the third time this year in September, a rope around our neck for many years (the yoke of
24 2009 session