Page 21 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 21

do you have a granary where we can find rice to eat at   Cardinal Agre came  for the first time to Rouge-
        least once a day?“ They had no need to fast, because   mont last June to see the Pilgrims of St. Michael for
        they fasted all the time since they could not even af-  three  weeks,  on  the occasion of the International
        ford one meal per day.                               Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City. He had already
            Dishonor money that is ill-gained and ill-employed   attended the week of study about  the Social Credit
        as well, because money that is ill-employed becomes   proposals explained in 10 lessons, viewed in  the light
        noxious. That is what you read in the ten lessons on   of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Here are some
        Social Credit and other teachings.                   extracts of a speech he gave during his first visit:
            Like everyone else, I came looking for hope. My      I found in you brothers and sisters, who teach
        hope is that no matter what, by dint of talking, educat-  with  simple  words.  We  went  through a  beautiful
        ing, creating study circles, we will finally manage to   book: “Social Credit explained in ten lessons.” You
        break this law of iron and fire of money, of a interna-  have taught us well in a language that is simple and
        tional financial house that controls all of us; we will   clear. This is what I’ve found. The teaching is limpid,
        succeed, it is certain.                              profound and nourishing. You are people who make
            But it takes what exactly? It takes apostles, proph-  us reflect. I reflected much. It has given me a hope, a
                                                             great hope ... That which you call “Social Credit” is
        ets, hardheads, we must have a hardheaded love, a    not impossible, it is not at all impossible; it is in the
        hardheaded love.                                     possible of God.
            It is a bit like that with mothers, they have a hard-   Yes, we can change and we should change. We
        headed love. Look at St. Augustine, leaving for adven-  should change and it will come from us, from each one
        ture in Rome to a very infamous circle of people and   of us. Before my brother who was speaking was say-
        St. Monica was crying; she cried and finally someone   ing: I gave a trilogy, and this trilogy is something very
        said to her: “The child who cost so many tears cannot   serious. We should be prophets. What does a prophet
        be lost.“ And Augustine was not lost.                do? The prophet denounces, but from whom does he
            So blows you will receive; incomprehension, it is   have the authority to denounce? He must denounce;
        certain; even threats, threats of death; you will have   and when he has renounced and denounced, after he
        them. But in the end the Holy Spirit will act, the Vir-  must announce. It is a trilogy, it goes together. If he
        gin Mary and St. Michael as well.                    does not renounce the situation  that  he denounces,
            I read recently 33 proposals that  are the  orders   if he himself is in the system and is comfortable in it,
        given by the power of darkness. I mean the Freema-   he has privileges; he takes away all the authorization
        sons who want to destroy, take away what is sacred   to denounce to others what he cannot see himself. If
        from the  Mass. Inside (these  proposals) it is written   his family eats the golden calf or if at work he eats the
        that everything must be done so that at the Mass, we   golden calf that we all have in our plates, and contin-
        do not pronounce the name of St. Michael because     ues to do so; he can never say: “here is the new Jeru-
        in years past, after the Mass, there was a prayer to   salem“, it is not possible because he is in (the system)
        St. Michael to prevent the demons from attacking. The   himself ...
        people must know that St. Michael has a great impor-     Come to see us, why not send Pilgrims to Africa,
        tance.                                               and we can arrange that they give courses, because
            So when you founded your Movement, you have      these courses must be given. Our people who are in
        started  to  call  your  journal  Vers  Demain  (Towards   parliament and finance must hear another speech then
        tomorrow),  towards  tomorrow  and accompanied       the one they are used to hearing.
        by St. Michael who covers you with his wings and         I also want to do something, I do not want to re-
        prepares the ground before you. When I say “you,“ I   main silent, although  I do not promise anything  be-
        should really say “we“ because I believe that we have   cause I am old... but I also want to contribute to make
        the same cause. I will never be a Full-Time because I   Social Credit a little more known.
        am retired. I finished my official apostolate; I pray, I   You advocate the  Social  Credit  proposals in  the
        have friends and contacts, but I think that what we   name of the Trinity, these are technical strategies that
        are doing will bear fruit. All of the people will not put   we  are  putting  into  action,  but  he  who sends us is
        themselves under the guidance of St. Michael and his   Jesus Christ. So I believe in your proposals, I believe
        sword right away, but little by little, the leaders, the   because today... you know that we are prophets, and
        priests and the faithful will be more numerous with   I was saying today to a brother, “I did not waste my
        you in your initiatives,to  carry  high the flag of the   time because I learned many things, I saw my broth-
        Gospel  that  passes through the  Compendium  and    ers act. This gave me a great hope. These people (the
        Social Credit with the ten lessons.                  Pilgrims of St. Michael) have found a great light like
            I say to you a big, big thank you for everything and   their founder, and I found a great light on my path; I
        for the love that we have for each other. Once again,   want to carry this light with love in ‘Trinitarian char-
        thank you. May Almighty God bless you, in the name   ity’.” Thank you.
        of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.                              + Bernard Cardinal Agre

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