Page 23 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 23
It Is High Time Social Justice Was Established
by Fr. Patrice Savadogo
when it was that this history started with Louis Even.
I had the joy of accompanying Cardinal Agre, who I came to realize that we are in the 70 anniversary of
was your guest of honor for this Congress and week the work of the Pilgrims of St. Michael. You have ac-
of study. You know, when we have the joy of accom- complished a lot and gained ground over the past 70
panying someone, we have the joy of seeing where years. 70 years is quite something in the life of a man.
he is going, and sometimes of eating what he eats. The psalmist salutes this, for the psalmist, it is a big
It is the history of the Apostles of Jesus. The Phari- achievement.
sees wanted to know why the apostles who where the But after 70 years we see that God helps the trav-
family of Jesus did not fast, while those of St. John
the Baptist did. But the friends of Jesus were given elers, the Pilgrims who leave their homes, their chains
the grace to accompany Jesus. They accompanied the of slavery, and head for the Promised Land. In this
spouse, so it was not the time to fast, but the time to march for the Promised Land, there are those who
eat. fall and others who take up
the banner, there are those
Dear brothers and sis- who continue the fight, but
ters, I love you. I tell you this this land is always promised
because during the two trips to them. I think we will soon
that I did to Canada, I learned share this Promised Land.
that Canadians are direct. We will share it because it
They are not poets, they are is not the promised land of
not dreamers, but they are a project of society, but the
people who are concrete. promised land of the Word
And that is what is written of God. It is from the Word
in the ten lessons of Social of God that the light has
Credit for which we have made a click; that it shone
been invited. in the spirit of Louis Even. It
I would like, at the end of is from the Word of God that
my greetings, to tell you of this new fire will come and
my gratitude to my brothers cover the entire world, in the
and sisters the Pilgrims of St. expression of Social Credit,
Michael. Thank you for your which is making its way.
sense of openness, of wel- To see the light, with the
come, sharing, and charity. permission of Professor Pi-
Thank you for what we have lote, I have two or three pro-
seen. Thank you for what we posals. I had the occasion
have not seen. The welcome to exchange words with our
that you have reserved for us brother and sister Pilgrims.
brings me to ask a question, The first proposal would be
because we were invited to discover Social Credit and to integrate into the formation of the weeks of study;
to certainly adhere to Social Credit and even more Bible study and formation on the Word of God, be-
than that, to spread Social Credit. cause it is this Word of God that we should receive in
We take the time, we the Africans, to listen, to say all truth, without choosing only the parts that please
“yes” because it is wisdom. When we say “yes,” it is us, and putting aside those that upset us. (...)
right, we go forward. But in fact I would like to share It is on this that I wish to conclude, to tell you Pil-
with you something that concerns me personally. And grims that I am in agreement with all that I have heard
what concerns me is the following. With the Pilgrims here during this week of study on Social Credit. Social
of St. Michael, we have been invited to go “towards justice precedes charity, the fallacious charity that is
tomorrow.” (Vers Demain, the name of our journal in given to our countries of Africa. It is high time that So-
French.) But what tomorrow? A tomorrow with the cial Justice was established as a priority and primary
Word of God, or a tomorrow with a project for society? goal. If this social justice is put first, we will be more
A new project. What is the tomorrow to which we are comfortable in believing in the charity that ensues.
invited? That is the question that I ask myself. I dared to speak just after His Eminence the Car-
I find the first answer in the formation that we have dinal but believe me, all that I have just told you has
received from our master, Mr. Pilote. It is he who we the blessing of Cardinal Agre.
must applaud. As I am a bit curious, I went to go see
Fr. Patrice Savadogo 2008 session 23