Page 15 - A Social Dividend: An Income Guaranteed to Each Citizen
P. 15
The Beneficial Effects of the Social Dividend
53. How would the Social Dividend benefit soci- country's citizens, to facilitate the acquisition of an
ety? abundant production, in order to avoid unemploy-
Our entire economic and social life would be ment, misery and the paralysis of Industry.”
improved. The migration of rural folk to the cities, Would you pocket the money and leave your
where they live in chicken coops and breathe pol- job for one month? Would you be envious that each
luted air, would end. Huge factories, where thou- of your neighbours also received the same amount
sands of workers must of money? Or would you
leave their personalities at call the Canadian govern-
the door, would soon be ment immoral because the
empty. Competent people poor would be relieved of
who are now subjected their misery rather than
to inept rule because of have products wasted?
the amount of money in Would you not instead
the bank accounts of the thank God for a well-or-
rulers, would have their ganized and well-admin-
chains of bondage loos- istered country that was
ened. rich in natural resources?
Each person could be- Would you not become
come an entrepreneur or even more attached to
join others who have skills your nation and strive to
to conduct a profitable contribute to its prosper-
business. The primary ity? Would you not work
goal would be providing even more industriously,
the community with good A Social Dividend will be provided like the person who has
products. Personal entre- to each member of a family, received a wage increase,
preneurship, responsibility from the cradle to the grave. because you recognize
and excellent service to others are cruelly lacking in that the very existence of a Dividend depends on
today’s world where minds and skills are muzzled the continuing development of production?
by the dominance of money. The positive effects of the Dividend would im-
54. How would the poor benefit from having a So- pact others as well. Too many who regard a Divi-
cial Dividend? dend negatively are either hypocritical or proud.
There are people who own nothing, despite to- They think it would be a good thing for themselves
day’s abundant production, because the distribu- but that others lack the virtue to use a Dividend
tion system treats them as if they had no right to wisely.
their country’s wealth. They are treated as if they 56. What would the Dividend do for the family?
are legitimately without an inheritance. A Dividend would be issued to you, your wife
Limiting the access to goods and services to and each of your children. Would it sow consterna-
those who are paid workers is akin to allowing tion or discord in your family? Would you not, on
wages and profits to absorb the Social Dividends the contrary, consider improving the living condi-
which rightly belongs to heirs of the system. tions in your home?
The fact that some of the inheritance is distrib- You would be able to consider giving your chil-
uted through taxation to the disinherited does not dren a better education, or otherwise develop their
give them back their inherited rights; they remain talents. You might make improvements to your
disinherited. The Social Dividend offers dignity, not home, making life more comfortable. You would
mere aid, to the disinherited. be able to increase your donations to charities, be-
55. What impact will the Dividend have on the indi- cause a better life did not make you any less of a
vidual? Christian. You would be able to subscribe to educa-
What impact would it have if you received an tional and recreational magazines.
envelope from Ottawa containing a cheque with Much has been said about the family wage. A
this message: “The nation is happy to offer you married man, who is the father of many children,
this Dividend which was also sent to each of the needs a larger income than a bachelor. Since u Free issue of MICHAEL 15