Page 21 - A Social Dividend: An Income Guaranteed to Each Citizen
P. 21
This disorder must be corrected and Social Save clothes, shoes? The producers of these
Credit would correct it. goods are unemployed because their products
Conclusion remain unsold.
86. How will you attain this New Economics They wanted us to save money. Our elites
and its Social Dividend? are guilty of ignorance or cowardice.
A New Economy must be established. We The problems of production and transporta-
firmly believe that the logic of Social Credit and tion are solved when compared to the problems
its proponents’ “love of neighbour” will eventu- of distribution. We keep reasoning as though
ally prevail. earth was still covered with burls and thorns.
If affluence is absent from our homes, it is For the last 20 centuries the Word was made
because production was wilfully destroyed and flesh. The Church asks the Eternal Father to grant
abundance shackled. Many are kept unemployed us our daily bread. The heavenly Father gives us
and potential goods that could be manufactured an abundance of goods and we insult Him by
are not. During both periods of war and peace locking up this abundance behind closed doors.
production is torpedoed. It is a social economy that we demand; an
Those who thought they could guide the economy that guarantees that each and every
crowds told them to save their money. Save member of society will receive their share of
what? Save bread? But there is too much wheat! earthly goods. v
What Social Credit Proposes
The Montreal branch of the ther interest-bearing loans must
Junior Chamber of Commerce re- be issued. There are two negative
quested a succinct explanation of effects: prices must include the
Social Credit theory for presenta- total cost of interest, and, second-
tion to its members in 1958. More ly, consumer, corporate and pub-
than half a century later, Mr. Louis lic debts can never be fully paid
Even’s principles and proposals are and will continue to grow.
relevant and even prophetic for our 2. There is no mechanism in
own times: the present system to correct the
by Louis Even gap that exists in the volume and
Goal rate of flow of consumer money.
Social Credit proposes the This is caused by the inherent dis-
establishment of an economic parity in the amount of purchas-
and social system in which each ing power distributed to workers
individual can be guaranteed ab- Louis Even (1885-1974) in the forms of salaries and divi-
solute security of at least the ne- founder of MICHAEL dends. Secondly, salaries and
cessities of life without risk to his dividends are not distributed dur-
freedom. ing the actual life cycle of the pro-
duction of a particular set of goods.
Obstacles 3. The flow of goods is accelerated by the
This goal is hindered by some fundamental use of modern energy sources, inventions, auto-
obstacles created by the present financial sys- mation and progress in production methods and
tem: because of advances in systems of transporta-
1. Presently, all the money required for the tion. The same processes reduce the need for hu-
expansion of the economy is acquired by issu- man labour. Yet, the present system ties income
ing interest-bearing debt. The total that must be to employment rather than tying it to the flow
repaid is greater than the amount issued due to of goods. By tying income to the flow of goods,
interest charges. When these debts are repaid, every citizen, whether employed or not, would
the banks extinguish the money; it ceases to benefit from the fruits of progress. Innovations
exist. In order to keep the economy rolling, fur- in production are the result of an ever-growing u Free issue of MICHAEL 21