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Social Credit? Some Questions Answered V.2
... of land, labour, capital goods and equipment, and the skills and knowledge of how to use those resources. Social credit is the real wealth of the community, but is currently controlled by private financial ...
Created on 01 January 2025
Justice means giving everyone their due
... the reach of Mr. and Mrs. Everyone. Mr. Even further showed that these monetary reform principles are coherent with the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church and the philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas. ...
Created on 01 May 2024
The importance of the money issue
... the operation that puts society into debt.
How can money that starts out this way be expected to perform a beneficial role? It is born for the benefit of some exploiters, and continues to benefit these ...
Created on 01 May 2023
A few questions and the principles of Economic Democraty
... a monthly Dividend to each citizen. How will these Dividends be financed since there is no taxation in a Douglas Social Credit economy?
If everybody receives a Dividend, and if this Dividend is sufficient ...
Created on 01 August 2022
Many contradictions are born of a perverse economic system
In the preamble to The Monopoly of Credit, author Clifford Hugh Douglas posed questions which he proceeded to discuss in the body of his book.
"How is it possible for a world suffering from over-production ...
Created on 01 January 2022
The Social Dividend is the best form of Universal Basic Income
... and place them within the reach of Mr. and Mrs. Everyone. Mr. Even further showed that these monetary reform principles are coherent with the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church and the philosophy of ...
Created on 01 May 2020
Social Credit? Some Questions Answered
... resources of land, labour, capital goods and equipment, and the skills and knowledge of how to use those resources. Social credit is the real wealth of the community, but is currently controlled by private ...
Created on 01 August 2019
The Origins of the Social Credit Movement Founded by Louis Even
... the Movement held a congress in Allardville, New Brunswick, Canada. On that occasion, Mr. Even explained how he came across Social Credit:
“As far as I am concerned, every day of my life (and I am ...
Created on 01 May 2019
The Chronic Shortage of Purchasing Power
... stimulates employment as more products are manufactured. Even a school child knows how products can be sold: “There must be more purchasing power!”
27. Are there not economists who say that production ...
Created on 01 May 2019
"The Fight for Social Credit is Everyone's Battl
... has enriched me. This new family that we have created in solidarity and brotherhood has been built by the attention and charity we have shown each other. It is the prelude to the revolutionary system we ...
Created on 01 January 2019
What is due to everyone is a dividend
... in an enterprise, also contributes to production. However, both were unaware of what C.H. Douglas would later call the "cultural inheritance", the legacy of natural resources and inventions that are responsible ...
Created on 01 May 2018
Money at the service of the people to use their own productive capacity
... efficiently and completely, all that is necessary to meet the private and public needs of the population.
However, this productive capacity, which is the fruit of life in society, something which is ...
Created on 01 October 2017
The Just Price
... the money payments which consumers receive from business with the total retail price of the goods offered for sale, the Retail Discount would be extended to all shoppers and consumers of goods.
How ...
Created on 28 December 2016
The Shortage of Buying Power Arising from Prices
... with prices attached. Bearing this picture in mind let us see how prices become attached to goods.
Buying Power and Prices
Every factory is more than just a producer of goods. The goods it manufactures ...
Created on 28 December 2016
Facing the Facts of Today
... items offered for sale — everything that we need in order to live in comfort and convenience and satisfaction.
Suppose we ask the shopkeeper how he can maintain this supply of goods? He will show us ...
Created on 28 December 2016
Banks create money as a debt
... money was not used much in everyday business transactions. Most of those transactions were simple direct exchanges, barter. However, the kings, the lords, the wealthy, and the big merchants owned gold, ...
Created on 01 November 2016
Taxes under Social Credit
... to the public sector, a share of the country’s productive capacity, and you added that money need not be transferred. How is this explained?
It must first be seen in terms of reality, and its financial ...
Created on 27 May 2016
Financing Public Works
What was just explained shows how Douglas’ financial proposals could be applied to the production and distribution of consumer goods. Could this method be applied also to the production and payment ...
Created on 27 May 2016
Financing Production
... goods to be sold by the dealer and paid for by the consumer before getting their money.
Let us say that three firms are successively involved in the process, firms ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’. Here is how we can ...
Created on 27 May 2016
Root of the Problem
... not finance their consumption. These facts can not be denied.
How are production and consumption financed?
Through Means of Payment in the form of coins, paper money or cheques drawn on bank accounts. ...
Created on 27 May 2016
The centenary of Social Credit
He studied the present economic and financial systems, with a philosopher’s and an engineer’s mind.
That of a philosopher, to find out how the means were serving or betraying the ends; how the very ...
Created on 30 April 2016
A new financial system that respects God’s plan for His Creation
... called offshoring.) How can a country in Europe or North America compete with countries like China, Bangladesh or other Asian countries where salaries for the textile industry are not 38 dollars an hour ...
Created on 01 May 2015
Historical notes on Social Credit
... in Allardville, New Brunswick, Canada. On that occasion, Mr. Even explained how he came across Social Credit:
“As far as I am concerned, every day of my life (and I am sure it will be the same for me ...
Created on 01 May 2014
Louis Even — Biographical notes
... means the purity of intention of the apostles; the red flame, the fire of the apostolate; the golden book shows that it is a work of education.)
At the 1949 Congress held in Asbestos, Que., Pierre Bouchard, ...
Created on 08 August 2013
Words of Thomas Edison
... world.”
Mr. Ford was asked how this was possible.
“Just this way,” he replied. “It is very simple when you analyze it. The cause of all wars is gold. We shall demonstrate to the world through Muscle ...
Created on 08 August 2013
A few questions and principles on Social Credit
Before getting into technical details, one must admit principles
You, Social Crediters, say that you want to reduce taxes progressively, and ultimately eliminate them completely. How then ...
Created on 01 August 2013
Social Credit and the Kingdom of God (part 1)
... vital contribution towards an understanding of real history was to show how the money system has, over centuries, been a major instrument through which power has been centralized.
The basic flaw ...
Created on 01 October 2012
“I left the diabolical world of finance”
... had beautiful results.
Mary, Queen of Peace
My old colleagues laughed at me and told me: “You want to take care of the poor! How will you do it without resources?” You know, that world (of finance ...
Created on 01 August 2012
“Social Credit is a vital plan for all of humanity”
... lessons! How can we even assess what we have learned this week? Permit me to point out to our professor Alain Pilote and to his assistant François de Siebenthal that, based on the historical account of ...
Created on 01 August 2012
A brief outline of Social Credit, Part II
... is provided that is both preventive and remedial. How can we put this solution into practical effect?
The first step will be the establishment of a National Credit Authority to take complete control ...
Created on 01 March 2012
How to finance public works in a Social Credit system
... parties that may be labelled under this name but about C.H. Douglas' financial proposals, which could be applied by any political party in office.
Accurate bookkeeping
How would this "social money" ...
Created on 01 May 2011
Economic democracy; to distribute God’s abundance
... only the goods and services ordered by the population. By voting for the goods and services they want, consumers would ultimately decide what would be produced but obviously not how to produce it. (This ...
Created on 01 October 2010
Economic democracy
... would generate only the goods and services ordered by the population. By voting for the goods and services they want, consumers would ultimately decide what would be produced but obviously not how to produce ...
Created on 01 October 2010
Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s
... (Rome had conquered Palestine by force.)
Our Lord answered by first exposing the trap prepared by the Pharisees: “Hypocrites, why do you thus put Me to the test?” He then asked them to show Him the coin ...
Created on 01 March 2010
Encyclical Caritas in Veritate of Benedict XVI
... and technological, but also moral. Since man is made up of a body and a soul, he has both material and spiritual needs.
Many articles in previous issues of "Michael" showed how the Social Credit philosophy ...
Created on 31 July 2009
The Nature of Money
... or printed bills, but many people do not know just where or how credit-money comes into existence. We use cheques because they are safe and handy, they can be written for paying an exact amount to specific ...
Created on 01 January 2009
From Debt to Prosperity Part I
... millions of items offered for sale — everything that we need in order to live in comfort and convenience and satisfaction.
Suppose we ask the shopkeeper how he can maintain this supply of goods? He will ...
Created on 01 September 2008
The international imperialism of money Part I
... than that of their agents in central banks." (Emphasis added.)
As was expressed in the prologue of the book How the World Really Works, by Alan B. Jones, and what Carroll Quigley described in 1966, the ...
Created on 01 September 2008
Monetary Reform and How a National Monetary System Should Work
... be leading to a catastrophe like the Great Depression or worse.”
This new report on “Monetary Reform and How a National Monetary System Should Work” continues the dialogue by outlining the principles ...
Created on 01 April 2008
Money and prices – The compensated discount
... the national dividend, it is not included in prices because it is made up of new money, distributed independently of labor, by the Government.
However, with more money in the hands of the public, retailers ...
Created on 01 April 2007
The chronic shortage of puchasing power - The social dividend to every citizen
... wants. Production must be distributed. How is it distributed today, and how would it be distributed under a Social Credit system?
Today, goods are put up for sale at certain prices. People who have money ...
Created on 01 January 2007
Social Credit aims at a new civilization
... or poor, employed or workless, well fed or undernourished, free to choose, or regimented to serve; armed for war, or stripped for peace; in short, the why or wherefor of how we live and move and have our ...
Created on 01 August 2005
Progress for Whom and Why ?
... Today, as in the past, multitudes of individuals and families have passed a great part of their lives in misery and anguish for lack of such a revenue. How many homes, acquired and maintained at the expenditure ...
Created on 01 January 2005
Reflections of a New Zealand Social Crediter
... at the present money system in the same way a structural engineer looks at a steel bridge that is nearly falling down and is dangerous to cross.
The engineer does not theorise about how to repair the ...
Created on 01 January 2005
Social Credit and Australia
... is to show the comparison between what is Social Credit policy and the policies that are directing the Australian people.
Perhaps we might start with the very problem that confronts those who are dedicated ...
Created on 01 October 2004
A brief outline of Social Credit
... is fraught with danger. The purpose of this very brief silhouette against a background of a very large canvas should be sufficient to show a picture which can be understood by those who are quite unfamiliar ...
Created on 01 August 2004
What can economic science do to get Social Credit applied?
... system where the purchasing power of money is adjustable through a direct adjustment of the level of prices, and the general distribution of a dividend based on the national production capacity. However, ...
Created on 01 March 2004
As the people build, the people get into debt
... consumer good that he purchases.
This seems normal. However, if one looks closely at it, one will see that there is a question of a public undertaking; the people pay twice and more for what is the fruit ...
Created on 01 January 2003
What is Social Credit? Practical Christianity!
... examples of it which we take for granted every day of our lives. How can we live in any sort of peace or comfort if we cannot trust our neighbours? How could we use the roads if we could not trust others ...
Created on 01 May 2002
Why pay taxes ?
... needs to run the country, that the citizens are deprived of $12 billion that they could spend themselves, certainly more wisely and efficiently, for things they really need. How can the Government justify ...
Created on 01 January 2001