Among the four African Bishops who took part in our week of study and Congress this year in Rougemont, there is one who has been particularly enthusiastic and carried us away: the Most Rev. Mathieu Madega Lebouakhan, Bishop of Port Gentil, the economic capital of Gabon. Here are excerpts from his two speeches delivered in Rougemont, Quebec:
My friends, usually, I am not very emotional when I speak. But permit me to be so for the first time! I am very happy to speak after my brothers bishops because they inspired me. Excellencies, Reverends, Directress, Directors, Professors, and fellow students! I would like to now take this opportunity to bring a small testimony that confirms what the others have said…
With what thirst I listened to these lessons! How can we even assess what we have learned this week? Permit me to point out to our professor Alain Pilote and to his assistant François de Siebenthal that, based on the historical account of how the money “symbol” came to be, we can objectively imagine this symbol as a kind of “fire”. In the story, The Goldsmith Becomes a Banker (see for full account), the “symbol” is protected on the one hand by the “banking gods”, and on the other, by the practicality of the whole idea of money. Relevant to this subject, and taking into consideration the seriousness, along with the overwhelming facts resulting in the “confiscation” of the “fire” by a certain elite, and using a cleverly thought out and cynically orchestrated method, a planetary masquerade, the unique master of ceremonies, is none other than Mammon, also known as Lucifer!
Ah, Lucifer! …Dear fellow students, does not this name call to mind ferrous iron? Does not this name recall “lux” (fire, light)? Therefore, with the “lux” and the “ferrous”, we have found our “blacksmith” who transforms precious metals, and therefore, a blacksmith who becomes a banker.
By what method then, does our blacksmith now use this light? He uses this splendid light in order to better deceive! But, there is a solution to this deception, a way out that comes to us with a freshness, a clarity, a goodness, it is called “Social Credit”.
And Social Credit, my friends, is a VITAL plan for all of humanity. I repeat, “vital”. Vital, because it will first of all, satisfy the primum vivere, deinde philosophari, (first live, then philosophize); first the stomach, then the initiative. But it is also vital because, as we all learned this week, without it, the salvation of souls is at stake.
Given our shared enthusiasm, having all studied together, and being proven unworthy, it pleases me all the same to say to all of you the words of Jesus: “...the sons of this age are more shrewd in relation to their own kind than the sons of light.” (Luke 16:8)
I therefore take the liberty to state that, Social Credit could never underhandedly provoke in us anything contrary to our vocation as “Pilgrims”, which is in no way different from our vocation as a Christian. “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and (Mammon) money.” (Matthew 6:24)
Therefore, in my understanding of Social Credit, the goal is not to lead one to serve money, but instead, the goal of Social Credit is that we come to see how money can be a service to us. That is very different!
Historically, Social Credit was founded, and proven to be anthropological, but let me say that it also has its biblically roots. St. Paul says, “For this is not for the ease of others and for your affliction, but by way of equality — ”And he continues, “at this present time your abundance being a supply for their need, so that their abundance also may become a supply for your need, that there may be equality; as it is written, He who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little had no lack.” (2 Cor. 8:13-15)…”for we have regard for what is honorable, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.” (2 Cor. 8:21)
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Certainly our goal is heaven, but we also aim for the good of mankind.
You will go, we will all go to work. “Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” (2 Cor. 9:6) This is why, if Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light, it is not surprising if his ministers disguise themselves also as angels of justice, but your justice does not come from the angel of light (Lucifer), but rather from God.
Consolation: your system, dear Pilgrims – or rather our system, since we are in your school – I can attest that it has a guaranteed longevity. This system (Social Credit) works of its own. It has its roots in the very foundation of the human family desired by God. This system is desired and founded by God Himself, and who can go against something desired by the Divine Will? No one on earth, in Heaven, or under the earth.
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But, beware! The power of the Resurrection is neither synonymous nor paralleled to that of the Crucifixion. The power of the crucifixion resounds — “cross, whips, crucify Him”— but the power of the Resurrection: “Pax vobis” (peace be with you), it is almost without sound, this is the power of the Resurrection.
This is why I invite you, my friends, to take a look closer in history, so that you will understand what I mean when I say: power of the Resurrection! Let us look at the country next to us (the United States): Martin Luther King; power of the Resurrection! Let us return to Africa: Nelson Mandela; power of the Resurrection! Let us even go to those who are not Christian: Gandhi; power of the Resurrection! Mother Teresa of Calcutta… and how could we not say; power of the Resurrection; Clifford Hugh Douglas! power of the Resurrection; Louis Even!
My friends, the easiest way to make serious mistakes is by disregarding the foundations. Those who were the first to perceive this idea of Social Credit had a certain method of procedure, and the closer we remain in conformity with their initial methods (of the founders), the more we will be guaranteed to one day experience Social Credit. By not continuing in conformity with the founders, i.e. converting Social Credit into a Party, it will not survive.
Therefore my friends, if in the present system, a very small number of people are able to fool most of humanity, would it not be more just to say that with a system such as Social Credit we could do so much more for humanity?… There is a common denominator for all humanity, we learned this here, and others have said it before me: whether we are of the first world, the second world, the third world, or the fourth world countries, can we name one country, one single country where there is no poor? We all stagger under this one common denominator called POVERTY.
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But, of what are we poor? “My people have been silent, because they had no knowledge..” (Hosea 4:6). Whether north, south, east or west, throughout the entire world, the one common denominator of our poverty is: awareness. This is why I offer to all of you, I offer to all of us, the One who is all the wealth of the entire universe; all awareness, and all the knowledge...Jesus.
Excerpts from Sunday, September 2
Excellencies, Brother Bishops, Dear Therese Tardif, Directress, Dear Marcel Lefebvre, Director, Brothers in the Priestly Ministry, and the baptized brothers in the common vocation,
It pleases me to recite to you the last words of our National Anthem (Gabon, Africa): “At last we rise up to attain happiness.” Since I do not want to keep you too long, I would like to ask you a question; first to the Africans, and then to our friends from the West. In regards to what we have just heard, and in what our lives should consist; should we then be to the right or to the left? – Therese Tardif answers the question, “In the Truth!” But, now I say to our friends from the West the following: When a person suffers, it is no longer ideals that concern him, rather, it is what would appear to him to resolve his immediate problems; at least in appearance.
Faced with poverty, following one’s instincts has become the criteria for judgment, and we demand a “quick-fix”, hence, without sufficient reflection, we lose sight of the future, now hidden by the thick fog of materialism,.
Our hearing is becoming impaired, as we are deceived by subliminal messages spread by the “enemy” of the Gospel. Our sense of smell embraces odors of perfume, but not that of Holy Chrism, but rather the odor of paper money, sometimes arriving hidden under the cover of a Christianity opposed to the Catholic Church.
Eureka! Oh yes, I do understand! It is not you whom they are attacking, it is Christ whom they are attacking. It is God whom they are attacking. Understand well that it is the Divine Life that is in us, it is our dignity as children of God whom they attack.
And, as a priest, as one having been baptized – the priest, who sacrifices to God -- they would prefer that we would sacrifice to the world. And as prophets, who prophesy the Will of God, they would want us to prophesy the will of man. Christianity no longer has the right to speak out, whatever is Christian is hated, criticized, even fought against; it is that which is not Christian that must be proclaimed: freedom for others, yes, but for Christians, no!
Because of our dignity as children of God, they would wish to contaminate us. They envy us because we have so much; we possess Heaven and earth. They fight us because we are strong with the strength of God, the strength that He gives us. We are criticized because we have the secret to Eternal Life. And finally, we are indebted, that is robbed, since taking something, while representing something else in glowing colors, is organized robbery.
In this context, the poor, who need to submerge themselves into the living waters of salvation, are forced to drink, despite themselves, from the wells of the international finance… with its by-products, called debt, structural or economic changes, the arms race, contraception, promotion of fashions and of ways of life radically opposed to the Gospel.
So, my friends, let us open our ears and become SOCIAL CREDITERS.
Let us open our ears to Christ and become SOCIAL CREDITERS.
Let us open our ears to the magisterium of the Church, One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, and become SOCIAL CREDITERS.
Let us open our ears to Clifford Hugh Douglas’ intuition and become SOCIAL CREDITERS.
Let us open our ears to Louis Even’s message and become SOCIAL CREDITERS.
Let us open our ears to the suffering of our brothers and sisters – let us be attentive to them all, without exception, even those who hate us and who despise us, and let us become SOCIAL CREDITERS.
With what they have taught us, let us imitate their good examples – I stress the “good” examples, because they also go to confession, good – let us imitate the good examples of the Pilgrims of Saint Michael and become SOCIAL CREDITERS.
Let us imitate them – Africans, pay attention – let us imitate the courage of these pilgrims who are consumed by this fire, before we can become enflamed, this fire has already consumed them and continues to consume them – and let us become SOCIAL CREDITERS.
Let us open our ears to the urgings of the Holy Spirit to assume our own involvement, our engagement, in short, our witness, and become SOCIAL CREDITERS.
Let us open our eyes, look, evaluate, plan, produce and partake: let us become SOCIAL CREDITERS.
Be aware of the importance of prayer! Jesus, Son of God, would often retire to pray, and He chose His disciples after a night of prayer. As you have become Social Crediters, watch out! Our spiritual director spoke to us of a priest, in the event of an ideology that I do not want to quote to publicize it, that said: “My brothers, why the Morning Prayer when the poor await us!” His colleagues replied: “My friend, let us pray first, and then leave.” “No!” he replied, etc. And the spiritual director commented: “He was so taken by the poor that his Faith was eaten up and he left the priesthood, while the others prayed and continued to serve the poor.” That is to say: pray, pray, pray, and let us commit ourselves.
We have been told: “Do not be afraid!” I have one more story so that you will not be afraid. You all know this sound, Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo! As a young villager, I participated in the decapitation of the roosters. When a rooster is decapitated, we can let him go, while still holding the head in our hands, and the headless rooster continues to flap about every which way. To see how the rooster moves, we could believe him alive, and I can assure you, since there is still some blood coming out, those who see that the head of the rooster is in the hands of him who cut it, they run from the rooster that is still moving…
Satan was defeated on Golgotha, but he is still flapping about to trick us… what are you afraid of? The head has already been cut off! It is what we call a spasm: the body continues to move even if there is nothing left. I am from Port-Gentil, where there are fish. A fish just out of the water, if you cut his head quickly, he will continue to move even if he no longer has a head. In the same way the enemy was defeated by the Cross …
My friends, it is not necessary that we go over everything that the Excellencies have told you. I will simply tell you that I am happy to be here, and we would be tempted to say, like St. Peter: “Let us erect three tents here, one for you Jesus, and one for Moses and one for Elias”, but Jesus said: no, we must go down.
Therefore we must necessarily return, is the renewed confidence in God always Immortal. God does not die! Therefore you have the credit: God is IMMORTAL! And renewing confidence in God always Immortal, that is called CREDIT! I thank you!
Diligere Deum ut Diligatur. Love God so He will be loved.
+ Mathieu M.L.
Bishop of Port Gentil