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Same-sex marriage

TV networks promoting homosexuality

on Thursday, March 01, 2012.

Homily on same sex marriage

on Saturday, May 01, 2010.

What about the rights of children?

on Monday, January 01, 2007.

In the same-sex marriage debate, the rights of children to be raised by a father and a mother were ignored

Debate on redefining marriage is not over

on Monday, January 01, 2007.

Comment by the President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Most Rev. André Gaumond, Archbishop of Sherbrooke

No human law can overturn that of the Creator

on Monday, January 01, 2007.

On January 23, vote for traditional marriage

on Saturday, October 01, 2005.

An issue in the coming election, said the Canadian Bishops

The Vatican says “no” to same-sex mariages

by Alain Pilote on Friday, August 01, 2003.

Canada wants to legalize same-sex marriages

by Thérèse Tardif on Thursday, May 01, 2003.

The Bible and religious magazines could be banned as “hate literature”

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