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Social Doctrine

To whom do Material Goods Belong?

on Sunday, June 01, 1941.

The True Meaning of Social Credit? - Chapter 6

Father Coughlin, a Great Apostle of Social Justice

on Wednesday, January 01, 2020.

Denounced the Bankers’ Debt-Money System

Social Credit: Exact, Logical and Humane

by Louis Even on Wednesday, May 01, 2019.

Applying the Church’s Social Doctrine

by Alain Pilote on Thursday, March 01, 2018.

“Break the cycle of poverty”

on Thursday, August 01, 2013.

The Social Doctrine of the Church

on Tuesday, January 01, 2013.

The light of the world for justice and peace in the social and economic spheres

The Foundation of Human Rights

on Tuesday, May 01, 2012.

The Holy See calls for an end to vulture funds

on Saturday, January 01, 2011.

“Fight poverty, but don’t eliminate the poor!”

on Saturday, January 01, 2011.

Address of Cardinal Turkson to the United Nations

Catholic social teaching on capitalism

by Alain Pilote on Friday, January 01, 2010.

The scandal of hunger is unacceptable

on Monday, January 01, 2007.

Pope’s address on state of the world

The four principles of the Church's social doctrine

on Saturday, April 01, 2006.

The dignity of the human person, the common good, subsidiarity, solidarity

The grand objective of Social Credit

on Saturday, April 01, 2006.

The social doctrine of the church

on Friday, October 01, 2004.

The monopolization of money

on Friday, October 01, 2004.

Pope Pius XI defines the aim of economics

by Louis Even on Wednesday, August 01, 2001.

No one dare attack the financial dictatorship

The right of every person to use material goods

on Tuesday, May 01, 2001.

Pope Pius XII's June 1, 1941 radio address

The economic solution to the upcoming world chaos

by Yvon Nantel on Friday, May 01, 1998.

Each country must create its own debt-free money instead of borrowing at interest from private banks

An homage to the founders of Vers Demain

on Sunday, November 01, 1959.


on Saturday, August 01, 1959.

Human personality destroyed

on Monday, March 01, 1954.

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