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The economic solution to the upcoming world chaos

Written by Yvon Nantel on Friday, 01 May 1998. Posted in Social Doctrine

Each country must create its own debt-free money instead of borrowing at interest from private banks

by Yvon Nantel

The reason for this economic chaos is that our governments have surrendered to private corporations (banks) the privilege to create and control the nations' money supply. The only way to get around an upcoming computer crash will be for the governments to immediately take back the creation of money according to their Constitutions that give each government its authority and duty to finance itself with interest-free money. Then we would no longer need to be dictated by these International Financiers, and there would not be a need to join the globalization for a one- world government and a one-world microchip system. Since 1913, when our Government gave away the right to create the money to private banks, we have since accumulated a $600 billion dollar debt. In the U.S., it is a $5.5 trillion dollar federal debt.

The greatest swindle

The problem is that banks create money as a debt money: they create the principal that they lend, but they do not create the interest that must also be paid back. In other words, banks ask the population to pay back money that does not exist! The only way to pay back money that does not exist is to borrow this money, and this is why all the countries in the world are debt-ridden. This way of creating money for our nation is insane and unjustifiable it is for sure the greatest swindle of all times. By creating money in this fashion, private bankers claim that they are the owners of all the money of our nation, but their claim is wrong. Just consider this: it is not the bankers who give money its value; it is the production of the country.

Bankers produce absolutely nothing; they only create the figures that allow the nation to make use of its own production capacity. Without the production of all the citizens in the country, the figures of the bankers are worthless!

So the Government could just as well create these figures itself to represent the production of society, without going through the banks, and without getting into debt. Why should any government pay interest to a private banking system for the use of its own money that it could issue itself, debt and interest free? In fact, it is the first duty of any sovereign government to issue its own currency, debt free. To let private banks exercise this sovereign power is a crime of high treason, that that can never be denounced enough. For the Government to refuse to itself a privilege it has granted to the banks is the height of imbecility, the greatest act of treason that has ever existed. In so doing, the Government becomes the servant of the bankers, and it despises the people.

A national system or a global microchip system

The tycoons of High Finance think they are the only ones capable of governing mankind properly. They have been trying for a long time to bring every nation in the world to such a state of crisis that these countries will think that they have no alternatives but to accept the miracle solution of the Financiers to save them from disaster: complete centralization, a single world currency, and a one-world government in which all nations will be abolished or forced to give up their sovereignty.

The upcoming crash of the stock market and national currencies, caused by the "millennium bug", will be the perfect opportunity for the Financiers to impose their solution: A NEW WORLD ORDER as a new way of life, a new way of payment — a microchip will be implanted on people, without which "none might buy or sell." (Rev. 13:16-18.) The Financiers are so determined in their plan that it is even mentioned openly in the April 27, 1998 issue of Time Magazine: money will be stored "in the not too distant future, on a chip implanted under the skin."

In the 1970s, Dr. Hanrick Eldeman, Chief Analyst of the Common Market Confederacy in Brussels, unveiled a plan to "straighten out world chaos": a three-storey computer located in the administrative building of the headquarters of the Common Market, in Brussels, Belgium. People who work there call it "the Beast". The plan implies a system of enumeration of each human being on earth. Thus the computer would give each inhabitant of the globe a number to be used for each purchase or sale. This number would be implanted with a microchip (about the size of a grain of rice) either on the forehead or on the back of the hand. Dr. Eldeman pointed out that by using three entries of six digits each (666), each inhabitant of the world would be given a distinct number.

The Financiers know that people do not want this microchip, and that only a major crisis can force them to accept it.

(Like, for example, if people lose all of their savings following the worldwide computer crash.) But if our national governments create their own debt-free money, they will not be obliged to embark on this plan of world control with the microchip. Computers are a relatively recent invention that is not even 50 years old: our ancestors did not have any computers, and this did not prevent them from developing our nation for the past 300 years. If the computers shut down, we can still continue to produce, because the sun will still shine and the earth will still grow food, and the people will still be willing to work.

The time to apply the Social Credit philosophy of C.H. Douglas (not a political party) has come. He stated in his writings that all production and consumption must be financed by newly created money by each nation, and not by private banks. With this progress, every citizen must receive a monthly dividend to purchase the fruits of their modern technology left to them by their ancestors. In the past, Nobel prize winners have stated that:

  • "Science without Social Credit is sheer suicide," said Prof. Frederic Soddy of Oxford.
  • "I accept (Douglas) without reservation, and I see no future for our society unless Social Credit principles are incorporated at an early date," said Dr. Norbert Wiener (the father of cybernetics).

The duty of citizens and governments

This computer shut down crisis seems to be planned and programmed, like the "crash" of 1929 was planned that brought about a world depression, due to the banks' restrictions on credit, which lasted 10 years. The only explanation given by the experts the financial advisers for the Depression was the unknown black spots on the moon.

Do not depend on the media to inform or advise you on the computer shutdown, for they will wait until it is too late. As we all know, the media is controlled by High Finance the big usurers.

People and governments of all nations, the time has come to stand up and be counted to stop the one-world take over by the International Bankers who are out to alienate all our freedoms.

This diabolical trap cannot be fought and overturned by mere human efforts, because we are not fighting flesh and blood, but the Principalities and Powers of Satan. And this is why we need to protect ourselves by observing the the 10 Commandments, and by praying to God and His Holy Mother and all the angels and saints to bring about the final victory. May God bless your apostolate work in bringing this important message to your brothers and sisters by ordering and distributing our free leaflets.

For more information on these future developments, subscribe to the "Michael" Journal.

Yvon Nantel

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