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Pope John Paul II

“Jesus, I trust in You!”

on Monday, May 01, 2023.

Prayer of John Paul II to the Child Jesus

on Sunday, January 01, 2023.

The First Form of Evangelization Is Witness

on Monday, August 01, 2022.

The sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation

by Pope John Paul II on Thursday, October 01, 2015.

Saint John Paul II explains its vital importance

Peace with God the Creator

on Friday, May 01, 2015.

St. John Paul II’s Letter to Families

on Sunday, March 01, 2015.

Historical canonization of two popes

on Thursday, May 01, 2014.

Pope John Paul II proclaims the “Year of the Rosary”

on Friday, August 09, 2013.

And adds a new set of mysteries, “the mysteries of light”. For peace in the world and in the families

Blessed are you John Paul II

on Sunday, May 01, 2011.

Blessed are you, John Paul II

on Sunday, May 01, 2011.

An exceptional beatification for an exceptional Pope

The Pope of Our Lady of Fatima

on Sunday, May 01, 2011.

Why Pope John Paul II is a saint

on Friday, January 01, 2010.

Pope John Paul II in Canada 25 years ago

on Thursday, October 01, 2009.

John Paul II, the “rock of faith”

on Saturday, April 01, 2006.

April 2, 2006: first anniversary of his death

The Pope of Divine Mercy

on Friday, April 01, 2005.

The spiritual testament of John Paul II

by Pope John Paul II on Friday, April 01, 2005.

"Totus Tuus – I am all yours"

The life and works of Pope John Paul II

on Friday, April 01, 2005.

Encyclical letter Veritatis Splendor The Splendor of Truth

by Pope John Paul II, Alain Pilote on Friday, April 01, 2005.

To live in accordance with the truth of the Commandments of God

From John Paul II to Benedict XVI

on Friday, April 01, 2005.

John Paul the Great May 18, 1920 - April 2, 2005

Santo Subito!

on Friday, April 01, 2005.

Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good

on Saturday, January 01, 2005.

Pope's message for the World Day of Peace

Humanity's four urgent challenges: life, food, peace, freedom

on Saturday, January 01, 2005.

Pope's annual address to diplomatic corps

John Paul II in Lourdes, France

on Sunday, August 01, 2004.

The media and the family

on Thursday, January 01, 2004.

A message of Pope John Paul II

John Paul II's 25 years of pontificate

on Wednesday, October 01, 2003.

“Don't be afraid! Open the doors to Christ!”

Honour to our great Pope John Paul II

on Friday, August 01, 2003.


Biography of Pope John Paul II

on Friday, August 01, 2003.

Honour to our great Pope John Paul II - 25 years of fruitful and glorious pontificate

"John Paul : servant of God, hero of history"

on Tuesday, May 01, 2001.

The address of U.S. President George W. Bush

Political service calls for unswerving morality

on Monday, January 01, 2001.

St. Thomas More proclaimed patron of statesmen and politicians

Abortion can never be legalized

on Monday, January 01, 2001.

Following the Beatitudes is the secret of holiness

by Pope John Paul II on Monday, January 01, 2001.

Live Christianity without compromise

by Pope John Paul II on Monday, January 01, 2001.

Earth is entrusted to man's use, not abuse

by Pope John Paul II on Monday, January 01, 2001.

John Paul II entrusts the third millennium to Mary

on Monday, January 01, 2001.

A moving ceremony in the presence of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima

Act of Entrustment to Mary Most Holy

on Monday, January 01, 2001.

The Holy Father prepares the world for the Great Jubilee

by Thérèse Tardif on Friday, January 01, 1999.

Conversion, forgiveness, repentance

The Rosary, to avoid war and catastrophes

on Sunday, March 01, 1998.

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