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macy, of His transcendence and power. Michael

fights to re-establish divine justice; he defends the

People of God from its enemies and above all of the

enemy par excellence, the devil. And Saint Michael

triumphs because it is God who acts in him.

“This sculpture, then, reminds us that evil has

been vanquished, the accuser is unmasked, his

head is crushed, because salvation was accom-

plished once and for all in the Blood of Christ. Even

if the devil always tries to scratch the Archangel’s

face and man’s face, God is stronger; the victory is

His and His salvation is offered to every man.

“We are not alone in life’s journey and trials; we

are accompanied and sustained by the Angels of

God who offer, so to speak, their wings to help us

surmount so many dangers, to be able to fly high

in regard to those realities that can weigh down our

life or drag us down. On consecrating Vatican City

State to Saint Michael the Archangel, we ask him to

defend us from the Evil One and to cast him outside.

“Dear brothers and sisters, we consecrate Vati-

can City State also to Saint Joseph, the custodian

of Jesus, the custodian of the Holy Family. May his

presence make us stronger and more courageous in

making space for God in our life to always overcome

evil with good. We ask him to guard us, to take care

of us, so that the life of grace will grow every day

more in each of us.”

Pope Francis then recited the following prayer

of consecration of Vatican City to St. Michael the


O glorious Archangel St. Michael

You who announces to the world

the consoling news

of the victory of good over evil

open our lives to hope.

Watch over this City and the Apostolic See,

the heart and center of the Catholic Church,

so that it may live in fidelity to the Gospel

and the exercise of heroic charity.

The Lord of the universe made you powerful

against the forces of the enemy:

unmask the traps of the devil

and of the spirit of the world.

Make us victorious over the temptations

of power, wealth and sensuality.

Be our safeguard against all machinations

that threaten the serenity of the Church;

be the sentinel of our thoughts, who delivers

us from the assaults of a worldly mentality;

be our spiritual guide,

who supports us in the good fight of faith.

O glorious Archangel St. Michael,

who always contemplates the Holy Face of God,

keep us firm on the path to Eternity.



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