Page 12 - Michael Journal March 2020
P. 12

u  dividends on capital investments, gifts and inherit-  other in a ratio to yield the most favourable result.
        ances. The money thus distributed does not reach all   The incentive to produce must be preserved and
        members of society. Another means must be intro-     goods must reach those who need them. This ratio
        duced which will allow each person to obtain a share   remains to be practically determined but must allow
        of the goods available. This is one reason why Social   all members of society, whether gainfully employed
        Credit advocates that a periodic Dividend be issued   or not, to access a sufficient amount of goods to fur-
        to each person, from birth to death.                 nish an honest subsistence.
              Solving conflicts in the workplace                       Work: an end or a means?
            Many of the conflicts that arise in the workplace    The goal of agriculture, industry and production,
        are because salaries and wages are not sufficient for   as a whole, is to create products, not to provide em-
        workers to obtain the goods needed to sustain their   ployment. Production is at its apex when it creates
        own  and  their  families’  lives.  Hence,  there  is  a  de-  the  most  goods  with  the  least  effort,  thus  allowing
        mand for higher wages. Yet, each salary increase re-  the population to enjoy freely chosen activities which
        sults in an increase in the price of products that leads   are  neither  paid  nor  materially  rewarded.  Social
        to an even greater insufficiency of purchasing power.   Credit  rejects  full  employment  and  instead  insists
        Social Credit solves this problem through a Nation-  on full income! Social Credit disentangles income
        al Dividend that increases the purchasing power of   from work. In other words, work is not an end in itself
        each  citizen  without  adding  to  costs.  Additionally,   but only a means to create products. If the end, i.e.
        the Adjusted Price mechanism lowers prices without   products,  can  be  attained  without  work,  then  work
        negatively affecting producers.                      becomes obsolete. The mechanism by which prod-
            Production must be oriented to the consumer and   ucts are claimed is money. After products are manu-
        everyone’s basic needs must first be met. For this,   factured and await distribution, it is money, not work,
                                                             that must be our focus.
        consumers must have a mechanism to pass on their
        demands to the system of production. Social Credit             Money, a social instrument
        provides this mechanism via the National Dividend,       Since money is a claim to the goods and services
        which guarantees a regular income to all consumers   derived from a nation’s public and private sources of
        and thus ensures consumers have effective demand.    production it must be considered a social instrument.

                   Progress displaces labour                 Society, through its government, must rule over the
            Mechanization,  the  application  of  science  and   creation, volume and circulation of money and credit.
                                                             Social Credit would entrust these functions to a Na-
        improved techniques serve to increase the volume     tional Credit Office, responsible to elected represent-
        of  products  while  decreasing  labour’s  contribution   atives, whose mandate would include the adaptation
        to  production.  In  other  words,  more  products  are   of finance to the facts of production and consump-
        manufactured by fewer workers. Another means of      tion.
        distributing purchasing power must be devised to ac-
        count for machinery’s replacement of labour during       Governments must refrain from assuming re-
        the course of production: Social Credit advocates the   sponsibilities that individuals or lesser associations
        distribution of a National Dividend to all, whether em-  and groupings can accomplish. The systems of pro-
        ployed in production, or not.                        duction and consumption must enjoy the maximum
                                                             freedom compatible with properly understood social
            Modern production is primarily a factor of natural   order and prosperity. Social Credit rejects govern-
        resources, social organization and applied science   ment interference in production, transportation, sales
        rather than a function of individuals’ labour. We con-  and/or delivery activities. The National Credit Office
        sider these factors “commonly owned capital”. This   would not interfere with production or consumption;
        very productive  common capital must  entitle  each   rather,  it  would  account  for  what  is  produced  and
        and every citizen to a Dividend. The Dividend is not a   consumed. Based on these calculations, it would de-
        gift but an entitlement. Social Credit recognizes that   duce the amount issued to citizens as a National Divi-
        “All men, upon entering into the world, could effect-  dend and as subsidies for the Price Adjustment on
        ively enjoy, in some way, the condition of being an   retail goods. Social Credit places finance at the ser-
        heir of the preceding generations” (Jacques Maritain,   vice of production and consumption, not vice-versa.
        Integral Humanism).                                      Social Credit would not interfere in the manner
            As long as production requires human effort,     in which individuals spend their money. One could
        work must be rewarded. While advocating for a uni-   choose to save money and spend it at a later date, for
        versal Dividend distributed to every person, Social   instance. Savings, however, must not cause products
        Credit recognizes that wages or salaries will be paid   to accumulate and result in unemployment as is the
        to every employed person.                            case today. Instead, savings would benefit the entire
            Wages and Dividends must complement each         community  by  allowing  access  to  unsold  products

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