Page 17 - Michael Journal March 2020
P. 17
I Survived Death
I Saw Heaven!
to confession, and receive Holy
I heard the words: “You Communion, they flew in by
are a living witness of plane! The Indians are by nature
life after death and My very religious. I never met a single
Indian or Eskimo who would say
true presence. You are a they didn’t believe in God! For
witness to heaven, these simple people, to fail to be-
hell, purgatory, Satan, lieve in God is so utterly absurd
that they say it’s simply impos-
and Me. Because you sible, and that one would have to
were there and you saw, be exceptionally stupid and blind
I would like for you to not to believe. How is it possible
to not believe in God! It’s the most
survive so that your tes- obvious thing in the world! All of
timony may open hearts creation tells us about God: the
to My actions.” air, the sun, the moon, every bird,
every pebble. Every rustle of a leaf
Testimony of Fr. Wieslaw is proof of the greatness of God.
Nazaruk, OMI After the first Mass I celebrat-
From a Mission among ed among the Indians, a sickly old
Indians and Eskimos woman explained to me the ba-
sis of the wisdom of the Indians:
am a missionary of the Oblates “When we talk to God and listen to
of Mary Immaculate. In Janu- Him we are wise and know every-
I of 1991, I went on a mis- miles) with only one missionary thing. When we cease to talk and
sion to the Indians and Eskimos of serving the region. That’s why to listen to God, we all become stu-
Canada and stayed for 13 years. be able to attend Sunday Mass, pid.” That woman didn’t need my
The Indians with whom I worked the Indians had to cover the dis- wisdom. In the simplest terms she
lived in five places in Canada’s far tance by airplane. They so loved showed me what she expected
north, dispersed across a range the Lord God that, in order to be from me as a priest. These words
of more than 400 kilometers (240 able to take part in the Mass, go apply to all Christians. This is the u MICHAEL January/February 2020 19