Page 22 - Michael Journal March 2020
P. 22

the next life, and that through his   where  there  is  no  sense  of  time.   where I was! The Lord Jesus said:
        bad  choices,  he  had  wasted  his   Every visit from Mary is a great re-  “Yes, I know that you want to be
        life.  He  emphasized  how  grate-  spite for every soul in purgatory.   here, since I want the same thing
        ful the souls in purgatory  are for   These souls gain the greatest re-  — for you to be here with Me as
        every  prayer  we  make  on  their   lief from their suffering on Marian   soon as possible. I want for every
        behalf. Nonetheless, he called at-  holidays. The greatest number of   soul to be happy here with Me,
        tention to the fact that prayers and   souls are released  on Christmas   and that they should be here as
        Masses offered for the  intention   Day because Jesus descended to     soon as possible. But your  mis-
        of these souls help them to the     earth specifically in order to save.     sion on earth  isn’t finished yet.
        same extent that they themselves    All Saints Day is also a day of great   You still have to suffer much, pray
        valued them during their life. This   amnesty.                         much and love much in order to
        is an amazing  experience  — the                                       direct  many  more souls to Me”.
        souls  in  purgatory  know  who  is         Return to Earth            The Lord Jesus has an amazing
        praying for them, but unfortunate-     The entire time I was longing   sensitivity and delicacy that is im-
        ly they  can’t  do anything  to help   for heaven. From a distance, I saw   possible  to  describe!  I  answered
        themselves.  The Holy Mass has      the light of heaven  and snippets   Him: “No!” but Jesus continued:
        the greatest power!                 of the heavenly life to which I was   “Go  back  and  talk  about  what
            The  souls  in  purgatory  who   strongly attracted. I wanted to go   you  have  seen. Tell them  every-
        are moving ever closer to heaven    there. It was at this moment that   thing about how much I love ev-
        constantly feel more light and see   the  Lord Jesus  appeared  to  me   ery soul. Tell them how I long for
        more — they see the prospect of     in a human bodily form. I wanted   every soul to be happy, and to be
        coming nearer to heaven. Souls in   to  ask  Him  when  I  would  go  to   immersed in Me. Tell everyone
        purgatory have a powerful longing   heaven.  I  knew  that  it  depended   how I wait for each one. Tell them
        for God. This longing causes pro-   entirely  on grace  and  that  I did   how they can meet Me, true and
        found  pain.  What  contributes  to   not deserve it even though I also   living, on earth. Just like you see
        the pain is their recollection of all   knew  that  my  confession  of  faith   me now — so can everyone meet
        the  lost  opportunities  when  they   along with my request for mercy   me in Holy Communion. I wait
        could  have  gone  to  Mass,  when   were  not  without  meaning.  I  felt   for  all  of  you  in  the  Holy  Mass.
        they  could have  received  Com-    a great longing to go to heaven!   Do not bow your heads when My
        munion, when they could have re-    Then  I  heard  these  words:  “I  am   priest raises the Host at the con-
        cited a prayer or done some good    going to send you back to earth.”   secration; do not close your eyes,
        work. This pain is the regret over   So  I began  something  like a  de-  but look at Me because I am look-
        squandered  opportunities  to  do   bate with the Lord Jesus, because   ing at you from that Host. I look
        good. Every day the Blessed Vir-    I  didn’t  want  to  return  to  earth   at your lives, I see you, I look at
        gin visits the souls  in purgatory,   —  everything  was  so  wonderful   you  with love, and  with love I

           “Tell them everything
           about how much I love
           every soul. Tell them
           how I long for every soul
           to be happy, and to be
           immersed in Me. Tell
           everyone how I wait for
           each one. Tell them how
           they can meet Me, true
           and living, on earth. Just
           like you see me now —
           so can everyone meet
           me in Holy Communion.
           I wait for all of you in
           the Holy Mass.”
                          — Words of Jesus
                     to Fr. Wieslaw Nazaruk

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