Page 19 - Michael Journal March 2020
P. 19

like a rectangular room. There was                                     stand  that  something  important
        no ceiling above, just a space, like   In considering any given        was  about  to  happen.  At  a  mo-
        looking  at  a  beautiful  sky, and  at   word or action that I        ment  when  I  was  asking  another
        the sides were walls of light. I was                                   question,  my  father,  who  had
        immersed  in  light,  which  had  its   expressed or committed,        been  deceased  for many  years,
        own borders.                          God let me recognize the         appeared. He came and stood at
            For lack of adequate words, I     pain that I cause my             my left side, while at my right, like
        call it all a room. It was a kind of a   neighbor - and I under-       a pillar of light, stood  my guard-
        foyer. I was aware of my presence                                      ian angel (at that point I still didn’t
                                                                               know its name). My father seemed
        as a living being with arms, legs,    stood the burden of my           to put his arm around my shoulder
        and so on. It’s hard to describe      sin, and how much it             and said: “Why do you ask? Don’t
        what  I  saw  since  there  is  noth-  hurt Jesus. It was a            ask about anything, since you al-
        ing on earth in comparison. Not
        even the light could be compared      horrifying pain!                 ready know everything”.
        to earthly light. I was bathed in a                                            The Judgement
        light that was Love. At some point   I had met  on earth,  but most of
        the  room began  to lengthen and    them were people whom I didn’t         I then had a vision of my en-
        grow. At the end of the room I saw   know. I also saw people who were   tire  life.  The  good  and  the  bad,
        something like a cathedral; colors,   more or less middle-aged.  But   my thoughts, my words, and my
        music, and beautiful lights began   when  I  asked  them  the  question   actions  were  all  written  down
        to  appear.  The  cathedral  looked   they  didn’t  respond so I under-  as though  on the  hard disc of a
        gothic  but  was  made  of  glass,   stood  that  I  wasn’t  to  ask  them   computer.  It  was  as  though  the
        crystal, and light. It was something   about anything. It wasn’t the right   Lord God had pushed a button
        wonderful! I knew that I wanted to   time. It was given to me to under-  and projected my life onto a wide
        go there — it was heaven. It was                                       film screen.Through  the  eyes  of
        what in the Bible is called the New                                    my  soul  I  saw  all  the  good  and
        Jerusalem (“God’s temple in heav-                                      bad things that I had done in my
        en was opened...” Revelation 11:                                       life — my entire  life,  from birth
        19). I saw the entry to the tem-                                         to  the  present  moment  —  as
        ple and felt a great desire to                                             well as the good and evil that
        enter but I had to wait, since                                               I had  experienced.  When  I
        people dressed in beauti-                                                     found myself in that  light,
        ful  robes  —  white  and                                                      passages from the  Holy
        various shades of pastel                                                        Scriptures  came  to  me
        (pink, green, and blue)                                                          which  applied  to  the
        — started  to gather                                                             situation I found myself
                                                                                          in. When the light ap-
        around me. Like the                                                               peared, I immediately
        pure  white,  each  of
        the colors had a sym-                                                              thought:  “I am the
        bolic meaning.                                                                     light of the world.
                                                                                           Whoever follows me
            It  was  indescrib-                                                            will never walk in
        able. People stood in                                                              darkness”  (John  8:
        long  vestments  with                                                              12).  There  were  also
        their  hands  folded.                                                              verses  about  love.
        They  saw  me,  but  it                                                            Light  and love,  this
        was  as  though  they                                                             was  God  Himself.  I
        paid me no attention.                                                             knew  that  I  was  alive,
        I  was  one  of  them,                                                           thanks precisely to that
        but  I  wasn’t  the  most                                                        light.  I understood that
        important. So I asked:                                                          the amount of life I have
        “What’s going to happen                                                        in me depends on the de-
        here  that all of you have                                                    gree  to which I unite my-
        come  and  we  are  here?”                                                  self  to  that  light.  As  well,  I
        Nobody responded, so I tried                                               am part of that light, as one of
        to ask again. One thing seemed                                           God’s creations. I began  to un-
        strange:  among  all  these  people                                    derstand what the soul is, as well
        I recognized the dead of my fam-                                       as how God had created my soul
        ily and friends; and people whom                                       and body, and then had given me   u
                                             MICHAEL  January/February 2020    21
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