Page 16 - Michael Journal March 2020
P. 16
u Yes, and it is also opposed to Christian teaching. Father Coughlin concludes his book with the fol-
lowing words:
Effects of a dishonest money system
In the preceding pages I have tried to explain
What will happen if the present money system is briefly and clearly the fundamentals of the money
continued and if the present policies endure? question. My only purpose in having published this
1. Private individuals will coin money for their book is to help the American people to free them-
own personal gain. selves from a form of slavery which is more hostile
2. Corporations organized for production, such to their well-being than was the physical slavery op-
as automobiles, steel and textiles, will be under the posed by Lincoln or the political slavery vanquished
domination of the private money creators. by Washington. Without economic freedom, both
1. The government itself will be dominated by physical and political liberty are meaningless. Their
the money plutocrats. existence depends almost totally upon financial free-
2. The press, dependent upon advertising re-
It is essential that we Americans recapture our
ceived from banker-dominated corporations and com- sovereign right of coining and regulating our money
mercial houses, will continue to deceive the people. and of foreign coin. It is essential that we cease pay-
3. The educational system will continue to ostra- ing tribute to the Federal Reserve Banks who create
cize the truths of economics from our schools. our money out of nothing and lend it into use with an
4. The citizens, weighed down by the unbearable invisible tax appended to it. It is either your money
costs of war and depression, will be inclined to blame or your life.
a democratic form of government and unwittingly re- You must act like apostles who have learned the
linquish the liberties already won for the bare neces- truth. You must spread the gospel of financial free-
sities of life, which the plutocrats will allow them only dom even at the cost of life itself... Form your battal-
at ‘the sacrifice of liberty. Dictatorship will necessarily ions, independent of the leadership of the press, the
ensue. politician and the poltroon! Cast aside your lethargy!
Advantages of an honest money system In the name of Christianity, I implore you to par-
What will happen after an honest money system ticipate in duplicating the miracle of the Master Who
is established? An honest money system will help us: fed the hungry multitudes. This can be accomplished
1. To restore sovereignty over money to its right- by insisting, by demanding the institution of an hon-
est money system, even though it may be necessary,
ful possessors, namely, the People, through Congress.
when ballots fail, to revive the spirit of ‘76. America
2. To rid Congress of servile politicians. is still the land of the free and the home of the brave!
3. To eliminate from domination over the gov- The money changers must be driven from the
ernment the manipulators of money who oftentimes temple of America. If we of this generation, numbed
were the cause of war. with the opiate of indifference and cowered by the
4. To insure lasting peace among nations whose appeals to selfishness, fail to dislodge the radical rule
governments will be able to legislate laws independ- of the money changers, may we go to our graves un-
ent of the international money changers. wept, unhonored and unsung! v
5. To make possible the real freedom of the press Father Charles E. Coughlin
and the teaching of the truth in all schools, freed once
and for all from the domination of money creators.
6. To permit Christian virtue to be practised when Toronto bi-monthly meetings
want is destroyed in the midst of plenty.
February 2, April 5, June 7
From 2 to 4 p.m. Free parking
Rougemont monthly meetings John Paul II Polish Cultural Centre
House of the Immaculate 4300 Cawthra Rd, Mississauga
1101 Principale Street, Rougemont
January 26, February 23, March 22 Basement, Room 2
10:00 a.m.: Opening. Rosary Behind Maximilian Kolbe Church
11:00 a.m. Holy Mass Intersection Cawthra Rd at Eastgate Pkwy
1:30 p.m. Rosary and conferences Between Eglinton Ave E. and Rathburn Rd E.
18 MICHAEL January/February 2020