Page 20 - Michael Journal March 2020
P. 20
a mission to fulfill. I received an
understanding of the words: “Just
as you did it to one of the least
of these who are members of my
family, you did it to me” (Matthew
25: 40).
When I cause someone pain
by my words or actions, I don’t
know how much it hurts that per-
son. He can express it through
anger or reaction, but only he
himself knows how much it hurt.
But is it only him who knows?
No, Jesus, living in the soul of the
person, also knows his pain, be-
cause God shares in that pain. Je-
sus, who abides in the soul of our
neighbor is the same Jesus who
lives in my soul. That is also why,
in considering any given word or moment of our deaths. Even while
action that I expressed or commit- I then had a vision of my we are still alive they pray for us
ted, God let me recognize the pain entire life. The good and constantly, regardless of whether
that I caused my neighbor — and I they are already in heaven or in
understood the burden of sin, and the bad, my thoughts, purgatory. They can also thank us
how much it hurt Jesus. It was a my words, and my that they found themselves in pur-
horrifying pain, crushing and tear- actions were all gatory and not in hell. Their suf-
ing like a tsunami. This was suf- fering in purgatory can be short-
fering for the sins for which no written down as though ened or diminished as the fruit of
penance was done, or for those on the hard disc of a our prayers and sacrifices, such as
that were not well confessed. Sin computer... when we offer Masses, Holy Com-
that was forgiven and for which munion, and our good works on
penance was done did not hurt; it Through the eyes of my their behalf. They repay us for our
was only recognized that the sin soul I saw all the good help when they are thankful and
had been committed. I wouldn’t and bad things that I in heaven by praying for us con-
have been able to stand the pain stantly so that the moment of our
that I caused God through sins had done in my life. death will be an experience of the
against people if I hadn’t at that true love that is God. That is how
moment been bathed in that light surrounded by those whose souls the particular judgment is.
and in the Love that sustained you helped to save. They came to God permitted me to remem-
me. I saw all the good thoughts, meet and join you in praising God ber certain impressions. When I
actions, prayers, and sufferings before Whom you stand. You are think of it, they come back to me
that I had offered to God over the surrounded by those whom you as though heaven were open to
course of my life.This was like helped to save by your prayer, me: heavenly music and beauti-
a balm, like love or a refreshing suffering, and love”. ful heavenly sights that come to
breeze. In a single moment I rec- It is God who saves, while we me as though through a crystal;
ognized my entire life, along with on earth, have a duty not only to through light.
recognizing the person I had been attend to our own behavior, but to
in God’s eyes. I saw how much in The Beast
my life had been good and how aid the salvation of others by our
much had been bad, nothing re- choices and the witness of a good At a certain point I found my-
mained concealed. That’s why my life. We are to be signs of God in self on the shore. There was a
father had said: “You already know order to help others to know Him beautiful sunset and the sun was a
everything”. He knew that it had and to love Him. We are to be the powerful disc in the sky. It looked
been granted to me to know my impetus for others to find salva- like (and I heard it internally) that
own state as I stood before God, tion. After death we will meet all it was about twenty minutes be-
in Whom I was immersed. After a those whom we helped to save fore sunset. The sky was clear,
moment I heard the words of the through prayer, suffering, or by and the colors amazing. I looked
Lord Jesus (I couldn’t see Him, but any other means. Those who die at the sun, but it didn’t dazzle
I knew that it was Jesus): “You are before us come to meet us at the me at all. I was surrounded by
22 MICHAEL January/February 2020