Page 23 - Michael Journal March 2020
P. 23

in two different dimensions — as   of  time.  I  immediately  heard  the
           Satan... does everything         though  I  were  going  through  it   words, though not from him, but
           to discourage us from            all again, and on the other hand,   from an internal  voice:  “Twenty
                                            as  though  I  were  watching  from
                                                                               minutes  of  earthly  time  passed,
           prayer and to tear us            above. It was amazing! I saw the   time  doesn’t  exist where  you
           away from God; he dis-           whole  event  playing  out  from   were, but on earth twenty min-
           courages us from                 the  moment  I  entered  the  water,   utes passed while you were out
                                            through the experience of drown-
                                                                               of your  body”. The  angel  further
           confession, from going           ing and up to my stepping out of   explained:  “You were  gone for a
           to church and from               the water. Again I had to wonder:   long time and then I saw you by
           doing good.                      “What was that? Was it real or     the shore emerging from the wa-
                                            some kind of hallucination?”
                                                                               ter. I came to help you back to re-
                                                                               ality”. At the end of the meeting
        come to those who receive Me                   TheAngel                the  angel  said:  “Good-bye. I will
        with love, to fill their souls with                                    always be nearby. When you need
        My mercy and with the power to         I heard in my spirit: “Look —   help, all you  have to do is call. I
        fight against evil.Tell them about   someone is coming for you”. I saw   will come and help!”
        this!”                              a  middle-aged man  approaching
                                            me from a distance. He had rath-   Various  persons  who  have  sur-
               A Hallucination?             er  long,  light,  curly  hair  and  was   vived clinical death  have  re-
                                            wearing a nice pastel-colored shirt   turned  to  life  with  no  visions.
            After this final conversa-      and carrying a book. He came       Others had visions of evil. These
        tion  with  the  Lord  Jesus  he  sent   closer, lifted his hand and greeted   people  remember  just  what  God
        me back to earth and I heard the    me: “Welcome!” I greeted him in    wants  them  to  remember:  what
        words:  “Stand  up!”  At  that  mo-  return,  and  then  we  began  talk-  they  need,  or  what  they  can  and
        ment I felt something solid under   ing with each other. He asked me:   should  share  with  others,  A  per-
        my feet; I felt my mind returning   “How are you feeling?” I answered:   son  doesn’t  awake  from  clinical
        to me and the sense of my body. I   “Fine”. “Are you sure you’re fine?”   death  just  because  they  want  to
        could feel that I was at the bottom   “I’m fine”, I countered. He asked:   wake up, but because God wants
        of the water, and I was wondering   “Do you need any help?”  I as-     them  to.  It  is  God  who  rules  the
        how I would reach the shore as I    sured him no. The  conversation    entire  world.  No  person  can  live
        was  on  the  ocean  floor!  I  heard   was  amazing;  he  went  about  30   even  a second longer  than  God
        the  words:  “Straighten yourself   meters from me, but despite this   has planned  for them.  So if they
        up!” I straightened  up and my      I had good contact with him and    undergo the experience of clinical
        head  emerged  from  the  water.  I   could hear him just fine! Then he   death it must have been in God’s
        was  in  water  to  the  depth  of  my   approached me slowly and said to   plans for them. It doesn’t depend
        chin. Next I heard: “Get out of the   me: “But just a moment ago you   on  any  man  what  he  might  see
        water.”  I started  to  head  in  the   needed  help”.  I  didn’t  know  who   during  clinical  death,  or  what  vi-
        direction of the  shore and  came   he was or how he knew what had     sions he might have. I survived my
        out at exactly  the  same place     happened. This was very confus-    own death. It is also apparent that
        where I had entered the water. It   ing  for  me.  Then  he  said:  “You   it wasn’t time for my departure for
        was  physically  impossible,  since   went into the water, but you didn’t   that world. The time of our death is
        the riptide was flowing the entire   know there  was a riptide”. Then   determined. I was shown this dur-
        time!  I  had  returned  to life  be-  he  told  me  everything  I had  just   ing my trip “to the other side”. The
        cause that was what the Lord God    been  through. I thought  to ask:   time of our death is already set at
        wanted.  Not  for  a  moment  did  I   “If you saw everything, why didn’t   the time of our birth. God has al-
        feel any fatigue, nor did I feel any   you rescue me?” At that moment I   ready  determined  the  time,  how
        suffocation or that I was trying to   heard an internal voice telling me:   long we will live, and what mission
        catch my breath. It was as though   “You are talking to an angel. My   we are to fulfill. Whether we fulfill
        I had simply jumped into the water   angel has come to you”. Then the   it depends on us, because we are
        and came right out, nothing more!   angel  relayed  everything  to me   free.  The  circumstances of death
        When  I  stepped  onto  the  shore  I   up to the moment when the wave   are changeable. They can change
        heard:  “Sit!”  So,  I  sat  down  on   pulled me under the water. He told   up to the last moment, but the
        the  sand, looked in the  direction   me: “A couple of times you man-  date of death is established from
        of  the  water  and  began  to  won-  aged  to escape,  but ultimately,   above.  “It is appointed for mor-
        der. My memory came back and I      you didn’t get out. Then for a long   tals to die once, and after that the
        asked myself the enormous ques-     while I couldn’t see you”.         judgment”(Hebrews 9:27). V
        tion: “What was that?” I started to    I wanted to ask: “How long?”    Reprinted with kind permission: www.
        see everything again, as though it   I wondered about it, but knew that
        were a film. I could see as though   “on that side”  there  is no  sense   survived-death-i-saw-heaven                                             MICHAEL  January/February 2020    25
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