Page 21 - Michael Journal March 2020
P. 21
souls who had made their way to a moment. As quickly as he had
heaven and understood that my Every prayer for sinners, arrived, he returned to that cloud
father was also in heaven. When every pain suffered, over the sun and disappeared. I
I looked at the light and the sky, heard the words: “I permitted you
a cloud suddenly appeared across every communion to discern the power of My mer-
them and began to expand. At first received has a healing cy. When a soul calls on My mer-
it was white, but little by little, as power when it is offered cy, Satan becomes powerless.
it expanded it transformed into a That is the power of My mercy.
black cloud, exactly like a horrific for the sake of God’s You received this in the Chaplet
tornado. This cloud began to rush love. of Divine Mercy. I allowed you to
in my direction. I could feel that I experience this power; a single
had to look at it and felt no fear or power when it is offered for the recitation suffices to expel Sa-
anxiety about this. Even though I sake of God’s love. For this Satan tan.”
was alone, I was surrounded by hates and persecutes us. He does
the light, and it seemed to be clos- everything to discourage us from Purgatory
ing in around me. I found myself in prayer and to tear us away from Purgatory is a solitude or a
something like a cell, a room from God. He discourages us from go- darkness — depending on the
which I couldn’t escape. After a ing to confession and church and
moment the cloud changed and it from doing good. For demons state of sin of the person who
appeared as a horrific beast — Sa- what is important is that we shut lands there. It is a place of great
tan; a gruesome beast in human- ourselves up in our own egoism suffering. Some layers of purga-
animal form. During my earthly and conformism. tory are no different than hell. The
life I had seen various images that he moment arrived when only difference is that there is hope
were revealed by the mystics — the beast wanted to smash to escape from purgatory by the
not painters — which depicted Thimself against the wall of end of time. At the Last Judgment,
a demon, but I had never seen a light that was surrounding me. I the end of time, all souls remain-
portrayal as horrific or threatening heard: “Say the prayer!” I imme- ing in purgatory will find salvation
as this. diately knew which prayer I was in heaven. From hell, on the other
In fact, it was not the beast’s to pray. At that greatest feeling of hand, there is no hope of escape as
hell is eternal. Some people who
appearance that was so horrify- hatred from the source of evil I be- deserve hell will be saved. They
ing, but the hatred that emanated gan to pray: “For the sake of His go to purgatory, thanks to some
from him.This howling, bellowing sorrowful passion — have mercy good work or thanks to prayer.
demon screamed ghastly, hor- on me!” These are the words of The sacraments of baptism and
rific curses as it approached me. the Chaplet of Divine Mercy al- Holy Communion seal souls with
At that moment one of the angels tered slightly because I was al- a sign.Those who turn away from
standing by me said: “Just watch”. ready “on the other side.” My soul God at the moment of death and
So I stood, fearing nothing, be- was with God, and no longer abid- reject His mercy end up in hell. To
cause I knew the beast would do ing among people. My guardian the very end, to the last moment,
nothing to me. It was simply an angel, who was standing beside God offers them the possibility for
experience of the hatred which me, prayed the prayer along with salvation. No matter how great a
Satan exudes. I knew he hated me. At the moment that I spoke sinner one may have been, or how
me. He hurled curses at me and those words, the beast shrieked
said he would do everything to so powerfully that it seemed that horrific might have been the sins
tear me away from the light and the entire world would crumble. he committed, right to the last mo-
thrust me into hell! He hated me It was a horrific cry, as though an ment of life he can save himself.
so much for two reasons. First, be- atomic bomb were blowing up The one who will be condemned
cause I am a priest, and secondly, the earth! The beast was gone in is the one who at that last moment
because he wanted revenge for rejects God completely.
the souls who surrounded me and I had the opportunity to talk
whom I had helped to save. Satan to two members of my family who
hates priests and hates when we were suffering in purgatory and
pray and offer our sufferings for received the gift of knowing just
the conversion of sinners and for what it is like. One of them said:
the salvation of people. By do- “Fight for heaven, talk about pur-
ing this we tear souls out of Sa- gatory, tell them about it in your
tan’s hands and turn them over sermons!” One of the priests told
to God. Every prayer for sinners, me what I should say. He regret-
every pain suffered, every com- ted that he himself hadn’t said
munion received, has a healing anything about what awaits us in u MICHAEL January/February 2020 23