Page 26 - Michael Journal 2020 March
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federal taxpayer dollars, then they must uphold your ports taxpayer-funded abortion all the way up until the
First Amendment right to speak your mind. And if they moment of birth. Last year, lawmakers in New York
don’t, they pay a very big financial penalty, which they cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation
will not be willing to pay. that would allow a baby to be ripped from the moth-
Sadly, the far left is actively working to erase our er’s womb right up until delivery.
God-given rights, shut down faith-based charities, ban Then, we had the case of the Democrat governor
religious leaders from the public square, and silence in the state of Virginia, the Commonwealth of Virginia,
Americans who believe in the sanctity of life. They are but what is going on in Virginia? What is going on?
coming after me because I am fighting for you and we The governor stated that he would execute a baby af-
are fighting for those who have no voice. And we will ter birth. You remember that.
win because we know how to win. We all know how to Senate Democrats even blocked legislation that
win. You’ve been winning for a long time. would give medical care to babies who survive at-
Together, we are the voice for the voiceless. When tempted abortions. And that’s why I’ve called on Con-
it comes to abortion, and you know this, you’ve seen gress – two of our great senators here, so many of our
what’s happened: Democrats have embraced the congressmen here – I called upon them to defend the
most radical and extreme positions taken and seen in dignity of life and to pass legislation prohibiting late-
this country for years and decades, and you can even term abortion of children who can feel pain in their
say, for centuries. mother’s womb.
Nearly every top Democrat in Congress now sup- This year, the March for Life is celebrating the u MICHAEL March/April 2020 27