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               Saint Joseph: Perpetual Adorer

            In profound adoration he [St. Joseph] united     keynotes of his adoration. No saint ever vibrated with
        himself to the  special  grace  of each  one  of the   a more ardent faith or bowed down in deeper humil-
        events in the life of Jesus. He adored our Lord in His   ity; no angel ever glistened with brighter purity; and
        hidden life and in His Passion and Death; he adored   as for his love, neither saint nor angel ever has or ever
        in advance the Eucharistic Christ in His tabernacles:   will come within range of his burning charity which
        there was nothing                                                                  expressed itself so
        that our Lord could                                                                fully in devotedness.
        hide from Saint Jo-                                                                   Because his faith
        seph. Aside from the                                                               was so strong, Jo-
        Blessed Virgin, Saint                                                              seph’s   mind   and
        Joseph was the first                                                               heart   bowed     in
        and most perfect                                                                   perfect   adoration.
        adorer of our Lord.                                                                Imitate  his  faith  as
            How greatly the                                                                you   kneel   before
        Word Incarnate was                                                                 the humble Christ
        glorified by the ador-                                                             annihilated in the
        ation of Mary and Jo-                                                              Eucharist. Pierce the
        seph as they atoned                                                                veil which covers
        for  the  indifference                                                             this furnace of love
        and  ingratitude  of                                                               and adore the hidden
        His creatures!                                                                     God.  At  the  same
            St. Joseph joined                                                              time respect the veil
        with  Mary  in  ador-                                                              of love and make the
        ation and united him-                                                              immolation of your
        self to Christ, Whose                                                              mind and heart your
        heart  surged   with                                                               most beautiful hom-
        sentiments of  ador-                                                               age of faith.
        ation, love and praise                                                                Among        the
        for the Father and of                                                              graces which Jesus
        charity for men.                                                                   gave to His foster-
            Saint   Joseph’s                                                               father — and He
        adoration kept pace                                                                flooded him with the
        with every stage of our Lord’s life, drawing upon    graces attached to every one of His mysteries — is
        the grace, the spirit, and the virtue of each mystery.   that special to an adorer of the Blessed Sacrament.
        In  the  Incarnation  he  adored  the  self-annihilation   That is the one we must ask of St. Joseph. Have
        of the Son of God; at Bethlehem, the poverty; at     confidence, strong confidence in him. Take him as
        Nazareth, the silence, the apparent weakness, the    the patron and the model of your life of adoration.
        obedience, and all the other virtues of Christ. He       From close union with this holy adorer I shall
        knew them well and he grasped clearly the reason     learn to adore our Lord and to live in intimacy with
        why Christ practiced them — for the love and glory   Him. I shall then be the Joseph of the Eucharist as
        of His Heavenly Father.                              he was the Joseph of Nazareth. v
            Faith, humility, purity, and love — these were the                                 Saint Peter Julian Eymard
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