Page 28 - Michael Journal 2020 March
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the March for Life, had the boldness and the courage So when was the last time you prayed and fasted for
to stand with the cause that is so dear to anyone who Ellen DeGeneres or Miley Cyrus or Lady Gaga or Pink?
understands the importance of marriage, life, family I remember in 1999, after I had my conversion
and the fact that God is the author of life. We should be and I was sitting down with a bunch of seminarians.
rejoicing with St. Paul, who is rejoicing in heaven over We were trying to figure out if you wanted to convert
this conversion, no matter what the motives are! And the entire world, how would you do it? We made a list
I’ll tell you what I believe one of the greatest motives of people for whom we were going to pray and fast
is — it’s the First Lady, Melania, who, if you don’t know, for their conversions. It hasn’t happened yet for most
is Catholic and who, if you don’t know, is pro-life. This of them. You know, it took Donald Trump 21 years to
is a reminder to every single one of us of how people have a conversion. But on that list was Madonna and
convert in our world; it is through relationships. I still pray and fast for Madonna. Imagine if she con-
The majority of people who are pro-choice have verted! Do you know she was raised a Roman Catholic
never had a true relationship with someone who is and named her kids Lourdes and Fatima?! God is ripe
pro-life. They’ve never been loved by somebody who and ready to set her on fire and if she converted con-
is pro-life. They’ve never had it explained and taught sider the light she could bring to a world of darkness.
with compassion the truth of what they believe. My friend Father John Hallowell offers Masses for the
e are called to never give up. We are called conversion of Brittany Spears. How awesome is that?!
to not be surprised and not be skeptical and We had a Mass offered at our parish at the request
Wlastly we are called to pray and fast. St. Paul of one of our parishioners for the conversion of Kim
writes in 1 Timothy 2: I-2, “First of all, then, I urge that Jong Un. Why doesn’t that happen more often? We
entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings be must fast and pray as St. Paul asks of us to do, for
made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in kings, and for all those in authority.
authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life My dear brothers and sisters, we who walk in
in all godliness and dignity.“ darkness have seen a great light and we who dwell in
When you come to holy Mass have you ever no- a land overshadowed by death a light has arisen and
ticed after the creed when we have the prayers of the that light is Christ.
faithful, there’s actually a prescribed order to the peti- So let’s bring this home a little bit. Many of you
tions? Have you ever noticed the first petition is al- know that I was pro-choice as a high school and col-
ways for the Church leaders and the second is always lege student. Do you believe that I’m pro-life now?
offered for politicians, the nation and its governmen- Then why can’t you believe the same about Trump?
tal leaders? So in our petitions today you will hear us And why am I pro-life? I will tell you it is because of
praying for our President. I want to ask you a ques- the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ who was directed
tion. How often do you pray for our political leaders? at me through at least 5 people: my mom and dad,
Do you fast and pray regularly for our governmental my godparents and my great aunt who I truly believe
leaders because St. Paul clearly tells us to? I will say and know prayed and fasted for my conversion. We
that President Trump’s stance on abortion, as much must never give up on anyone. We must fast and pray.
as I want to say is possibly because of the First Lady, I don’t care whether it’s a son, a daughter, a grand-
or some great pro-life websites, or great Catholic lit- son, a granddaughter, a neighbor, a brother, a sister or
erature, I will tell you it is really solely because of the even yourself, conversion is always possible. I don’t
grace of Jesus Christ, which is directed clearly at peo- know what darkness is in your life. It might be alcohol,
ple through prayer. it might be addiction, it might be pornography, it might
So when was the last time you prayed for the con- be a bad marriage, a bad job, financial difficulties, it
version or dedicated a day of fasting and prayer for might be abuse. But my
Nancy Pelosi who claims to be Catholic and yet be- dear people we must
lieves that killing babies is fine. Or for Joe Biden who never give up! Know that
claims to be Catholic and yet believes that killing ba- I fast and pray for you. I
bies is fine. Or how about Elizabeth Warren or Bernie know that there is hope
Sanders, because they should be prayed for every for all. My dear people,
single day if we believe that 1 Timothy 2:1-2 is true. may we be with St. Paul
But secondly, I think it’s really awesome how St. in rejoicing in the graces
Paul tells us to pray for kings but also to pray for all that have been showered
those in authority. And who else has the authority over on our nation and thankful
us in our world right now? It’s actually not politicians. for the gift of life. May we
It’s actually those in the entertainment industry and never give up and may we
the mass media who literally dictate the clothes you always pray and fast. And Fr. Jonathan Meyer,
wear, your music, your vocabulary and your culture. through God’s grace may Pastor at All Saints Parish,
The reality is that culture eats strategy for breakfast. we be blessed. Amen. V Guilford, IN MICHAEL March/April 2020 31