Page 24 - Michael August 2021
P. 24

u  consecrated bishop by Cardinal Hlond at the nation-      As Wyszynski became  cardinal  on January  12,
        al shrine of Jasna Góra. In his coat of arms, Bishop   1953,  the Communist regime intensified its hostile
        Wyszynski placed  the  image  of Our Lady of Czesto-  attacks  against  the  Church.  On  February  9, 1953, it
        chowa and the motto Soli Deo (Glory to God alone).   issued a  strict decree  that  placed  the  Church under
            The  faithful  quickly rec-                      Communist control. Then the government  took an-
        ognized  in this 45-year-old                         other radical step against  the Church: it demanded
        bishop  the  father  of  work-                       from every  Catholic priest an  oath  of loyalty  to the
        ers and peasants,  the  head                         Communist government. Cardinal Wyszynski strongly
        of the nation; in short, the                         opposed this action.
        only moral authority  in the                             In September 1953, the Warsaw Military Court sen-
        country. Like a new Moses,                           tenced Bishop Czesław Kaczmarek of Kielce to twelve
        Bishop   Wyszynski    (later                         years in prison. His conviction was based on charges
        Cardinal)  will  help  his  com-                     that  the  bishop  collaborated  with  the  Nazis  during
        patriots to cross the  desert                        World War II and wanted to overthrow the Communist
        of atheistic Communism,                              government. Many priests were also imprisoned.
        supported by  the  Queen  of                                               Arrest
        Poland,  the  Black Madonna
        of Czestochowa, who walks at the head of her people      On September 25, 1953, during a sermon in the
        like a pillar of fire ahead of the Hebrews in the time of   Church  of  St.  Anne  in  Warsaw,  Cardinal  Wyszynski
        Moses.                                               publicly declared that the Church in Poland will always
                                                             fight for truth and freedom, and he also publicly ex-
             The secular world will try to ridicule the devotion   pressed his categorical  opposition to the  imprison-
        of the Poles to the Virgin Mary, asking “Where is your   ment of Bishop Kaczmarek by the Communists.
        God?” But  Mary triumphed,  Communism collapsed,
        and “the best son of Poland” became in 1978 the Vicar    A few hours after Wyszynski’s speech, a group of
        of Christ, the first non-Italian pope in 450 years.  armed police broke into his residence and took him
                                                             to  Rywałd,  where  he  was  interned.  Soon  after,  the
            As Bishop of Lublin, Wyszynski also became the   Communist regime imprisoned five other bishops, in-
        Grand Chancellor  of Lublin’s Catholic  University.  He   cluding Wyszynski’s assistant, Bishop Antoni Baraniak
        organized its Faculty of Christian Philosophy and was   (later Archbishop of Poznan). The Communists want-
        very active in the work of the new Institute of Social,   ed to make him the main witness in the trial against the
        Economic and Rural Problems.                         Primate, but neither the prison, nor the mistreatment,
                             Primate                         nor the brainwashing attempts succeeded in breaking
            After two years of work in the diocese of Lublin,   Bishop Baraniak’s iron will. However, he had to pay his
        Bishop  Wyszynski  was  appointed,  on  November  12,   loyalty with three years in prison, and his health was
        1948,  Archbishop  of  the  Archdiocese  of  Warsaw-  compromised.
        Gniezno, thus becoming Primate of Poland (and            Secret police officers were afraid of the people’s
        President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, a position   anger.  They  secretly  arrested  the  Primate  at  night.
        he held until in 1981), replacing Cardinal Hlond, who   The dog guarding the archdiocese office attacked the
        had died on October 22.                              policeman and bit him before the cardinal could grab
            The situation of the Church in Poland is then dif-  the dog’s collar. The cardinal immediately called a nun
        ficult, in the presence of the Communist regime estab-  to heal the wound. When asked to pack his suitcase,
        lished by force. Archbishop Wyszynski unsuccessfully   he refused, saying, “I came to this house poor and I
        calls for work to be completed on an agreement with   want to leave it poor.”
        the government that would respect the rights of the             The vows of Jasna Góra
        Church.                                                  For  three  years,  Cardinal  Wyszynski  was  trans-
            In 1952, the Communists began to liquidate young   ferred from one place of detention to another, always
        theological  seminaries  and  religious  novitiates,  and   in secret. Twenty guards watched him day and night.
        created many obstacles to the issuance of permits to   The time spent in prison was a period of intense work
        build new churches.                                  for  Cardinal  Wyszynski.  He  was  preparing  a  special
                                                             program  for the  rebirth  of the  Polish nation  by  the
                                                             Blessed Virgin Mary. During his meditations in prison,
            Make sure MICHAEL moves with you.                he  recalled  many  events  in  Polish history  that  con-

               If you have recently moved, or are about      vinced him to choose the Marian path as a pastoral
           to, please send your new address in order to      ministry program in the future.
           save us postage, as undeliverable magazines           On December 8, 1953, Cardinal Wyszynski signed
           are  returned  to us and we are  required  to     the final covenant with Our Lady by the consecration
           pay extra costs.  Thank you.                      to Jesus through Mary, in accordance with the teach-
                                                             ing of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort. Wyszynski attrib-

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