Page 25 - Michael August 2021
P. 25

uted to this consecration the grace of “never having     The Communist regime did not like Wyszynski’s
        had the shadow of a grudge against anyone.”          idea and his renewal program. Despite assurances to
            Cardinal Wyszynski forgave everyone, even those   guarantee the freedom of the Church, the Commun-
        who jailed and detained him in harsh conditions, such   ists again began to treat members of the Church with
        as in Stoczek Warminski where he severely damaged    hostility. They ran special training courses on how to
        his health during the harsh winter. Ice and frost were   destroy Church members in their workplaces as well
        everywhere then: in the hallway, in the cell and on the   as in schools and create conditions similar to the easy
        windows. The rooms were not heated at all, the walls   way of life in the West, to create cold Christians, to
        were  covered  with  mushrooms.  To  go  out  into  the   make them materialistic people to finally leave the
        garden, the primate had to clear the stairs. Sometimes   Church.
        the snowdrifts made it difficult to leave the building.   In 1964, the primate invited Pope Paul VI to par-
        As the Primate wrote, Stoczek was a place where he   ticipate in the Polish millennium, but the Communists
        couldn’t “warm his feet once.” He even had to wash   refused him entry into Poland. At the end of 1965, the
        himself in ice water. There were times when the water   Polish episcopate  invited  bishops from 56 countries
        froze. There were also days when the primate could   to the millennium celebrations, which culminated in a
        not write because his cold hands refused to obey him.   meeting in Jasna Góra on May 3, 1966. In his homily,
        His hands were swelling, his head, kidneys and stom-  the Cardinal Primate declared:
        ach aching. Despite many requests, he could not get
        any medicine, not even a pain reliever.
            In Komancza, the last place of his imprisonment,
        the primate completed the text of the oath of Jasna
        Góra, which was to be the cornerstone of the moral
        and  spiritual  renewal  of  Poland.  It  was  linked  to  the
        preparations for the celebration of the millennium of
        Poland’s baptism, in 1966.
            On August 26, 1956, over a million people gath-
        ered in Jasna Góra for the feast of Our Lady of Czesto-
        chowa. All the Polish bishops surrounded the empty
        chair  on  which  Primate  Wyszynski  should  have  sat.
        Then Bishop Michał Klepacz read the text of Primate
        Wyszynski’s oath,  and  people  kept  repeating,  “We
        promise to be faithful to God, the Church and the Gos-
            After the Czestochowa ceremonies and the work-
        ers’ demonstration in Poznan in June 1956, the Com-        Cardinal Wyszynski in Jasna Gora in 1966
        munist authorities decided to release Wyszynski from     “Yes, we have to turn everything into love. I al-
        prison on October 26, 1956. The government canceled   ways pray for those who slander me, and I think their
        the 1953 decree on the approval of church posts by the   bishop’s prayer will be helpful to them. I may forget to
        Communists, then announced the re-establishment of   pray for them if they stop insulting me! ... At this his-
        religious  education  in  schools, the  return  of monks   toric moment, fully aware and filled with freedom of
        and nuns to their social work, and the annulment of   spirit and love for our land, we entrust Poland to Mary;
        the remainder of Bishop Kaczmarek’s sentence.        we give her Poland as her slaves, and the people of the
                         Great Novena                        second millennium will feel safe around her. Filled with
            Then, Primate Wyszynski  implemented his pro-    love for the universal Church and for the Church of Po-
        gram of the Great Novena for the millennium of Chris-  land, we entrust our nation to Mary for the Church, at
        tianity in Poland. It was then that he initiated a nine-  the service of the universal Church!”
        year program of renewal of faith and morals. Based on    On the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the
        preached biblical and moral truth, as well as on reflec-  presence of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Jasna
        tion on the sacraments, this program was carried out   Góra, Cardinal Wyszynski began in 1976 “six years of
        in every parish and ecclesial community.             gratitude for six centuries of Mary’s presence.”
            The  miraculous painting  of Our Lady  of Czesto-                 A Polish pope
        chowa  began  a  pilgrimage  through  the  country  and   Cardinal Stefan  Wyszynski’s  life of sacrifice and
        reached  all  the  parishes  in  Poland.  Faced  with  this   loyalty to God directly contributed to the fall of com-
        miraculous image, every believer and every Catholic   munism in Poland and other Eastern European coun-
        family in Poland was committed to renewing their faith   tries,  as  well  as  to  the  election  of  a  Polish  Pope  on
        and moral life. These activities helped save the Polish   October 16, 1978: Karol Cardinal Wojtyla of Krakow,
        nation from complete demoralization and seculariza-  his spiritual son and associated with the struggle for u
        tion.                                            MICHAEL  August/September 2021     25
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