Page 20 - Michael August 2021
P. 20

Economic Democracy in Brief

                                                  “The Economic Democracy dividend is
                                               the recognition of everyone’s right to life.
                                               Each person has a fundamental right to a

                                               share of earthly goods.” –  Louis Even

                          by Louis Even                      power depends on the money found in the hands of
                                                             consumers who have needs to satisfy.
            Little else than human labour at their disposal,       Economic  Democracy  presents  a  well  thought
        the power of animals, and a few simple tools con-    out plan to fill the gap, on an ongoing basis, between
        sisted in producing enough goods to sustain them-    the prices of products and the money consumers
        selves. Real poverty, scarcity, was a constant threat.   have in their hands to buy the products meant for
        In  the  twentieth  century,  with  a  continent  open  to   their use. This system leaves both inflation and de-
        progress,  with  the  forces  of  nature  and  of  applied   flation out, but it maintains a mathematical equilib-
        science at our disposal, the immediate problem is to   rium  between  production  and  purchasing  power.  It
        find the way to distribute an abundant production.   subdues money and puts it to the service of man. It
        The presence of an abundance of goods already real-  forces it to fulfil its function: the financing and dis-
        ized, or easily realizable, should confer to all men the   tribution of production, the satisfaction of consumer
        following political rights in the economic domain:   needs to the extent that the resources of nature and
            1)   Life — The right for each individual to obtain   industry will allow.
        the necessities of life, food, clothing, lodging, without   In its propositions, Economic Democracy embra-
        having to resort to public charity.                  ces doing away with poverty, with the social guaran-
            2)   Freedom — The right for each individual to   tee of the individual’s economic security.
        choose the kind of occupation he is best suited for,     No one will deny that the country is able to produce
        instead of being compelled to accept such work as    enough goods so as to provide an honest subsistence
        he can find.                                         to each and everyone. The physical possibility exists;
            3)   Pursuit of happiness — The right for each   only the financial possibility is lacking. Finance does not
        individual to leisure that he would be free to use in   serve the people, and this is where a remedy is needed.
        accordance  with  his  personal  initiative  in  material,   As Henry Ford pointed out, the products are there, but
        aesthetic, intellectual or spiritual activities.     the dollars to buy the products are not. The producers
            The possibility of guaranteeing these rights rests   of goods fulfil their role, but the producers of dollars
        on the undeniable capacity that now exists of produ-  do not. Admirable techniques are used in production,
        cing all the goods and services required to guarantee   but  there  is  none  in  the  monetary  system.  The  great
        these rights while using only a fraction of the human   American industrialist added: The monetary system is
        labour that is now available.                        outdated, inefficient, and it is high time it be changed.
               What is Economic Democracy?                                        Wealth
            Economic Democracy, also called Social Credit        Money is not wealth; it is only a title to wealth.
        — not the system of control and espionage currently   Wealth comes from human or mechanical labour ap-
        applied in Communist China, but the financial pro-   plied  to  the  natural  resources.  We  are  not  short  of
        posals of Scottish engineer Clifford Hugh Douglas    wealth here; there could be much more wealth since
        conceived in 1917 — is a movement, whose goal is     there is much human and mechanical labour not be-
        to  allow  consumers  to  benefit  from  the  entire  pro-  ing used. Money comes from the makers of money,
        duction capacity of useful goods. Unemployment, of   and because there is a shortage of it, or since it is not
        which people suffer today, is not the result of the sat-  where  it  ought  to  be,  since  the  titles  to  wealth  are
        uration of consumer needs, nor of the exhaustion of   lacking, the wealth is not sold, production comes to a
        the productive resources, but results only from the   stop, poverty reigns amidst plenty.
        non-distribution of products and services.               Money is made up of metal coins, of bank notes,
            Production goes ahead only in accordance with    and of bank credits and deposits that are put in circula-
        the orders it receives. The orders are limited by    tion by our signing cheques. Today, cheques account
        the consumers’  purchasing power. This purchasing    for more than 95 percent of business transactions.

        20     MICHAEL  August/September 2021                                 
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