Page 15 - Michael August 2021
P. 15
Mary leaves the Temple and marries Joseph I saw in him my good angel whom God had given me
I continued my life in the Temple and my little es- for my custody, though I had cohorts of angels that
capes up there to my celestial Fatherland. I had my accompanied on the journey…
rights as daughter to make my little visits to my divine You must know that Saint Joseph and I looked at
Family which, more than Father, belonged to me. But each other with modesty and felt our hearts swollen,
what was not my surprise when in one of these visits since each one wanted to let the other know that we
the Divine Persons made me know that it was Their were bound to God with a vow of perennial virgin-
Will for me to leave the Temple; first, to unite myself ity. Finally, silence was broken, and both of us mani-
in bond of marriage, according to the manner of those fested our vow. Oh, how happy we felt, and thanking
times, to a holy man called Joseph, and then, to with- the Lord, we promised to live together as brother and
draw together with him to live in the house of Nazareth. sister! I was most attentive in serving him; we looked
My child, in this step of my life it apparently at each other with veneration, and the dawn of peace
seemed that God wanted to put me in a trial. reigned in our midst.
I had never loved anyone in the world, And the Word was made flesh
and since the Divine Will extended My prayers (for the coming of the Mes-
Itself through my whole being, my siah) were incessant, and while I was pray-
human will never had one act of ing in my little room, an angel came, sent
life; therefore, the seed of hu- from Heaven as messenger of the great
man love was missing in me. How King. He came before me, and bow-
could I love a man in the human ing, he hailed me: “Hail, O Mary, our
order, even though he might be a Queen; the Divine Fiat has filled you
great saint? with grace. He has already pronounced
It is true that I love everyone, His Fiat, for He wants to descend; He
and that my love for all was so is just behind my shoulders, but He
great that my love of a moth- wants your Fiat to form the fulfillment
er kept them inscribed in my of His Fiat.”
maternal heart, one by one, At such a great announcement,
with indelible characters of so much desired by me — although
fire; but this was all in the I had never thought I was to be the
divine order. Human love, chosen one — I was stupefied and I
compared to the divine, can hesitated one instant. But the angel
be called shadows, shadings of the Lord told me: “Do not fear,
— atoms of love. our Queen, for you have found
Yet, my child, what appar- grace before God. You have con-
ently seemed to be a trial and quered your Creator; therefore, to
as though alien to the sanctity complete the victory — pronounce
of my life, was admirably used Mary’s only desire is to your Fiat.”
by God to fulfill His designs, lead us to her Son Jesus. I pronounced my Fiat, and —
and concede to me the grace for which I so much oh, marvel! The two Fiat fused together and the Div-
longed — that is, the descent of the Word upon earth. ine Word descended into Me. My Fiat, receiving the
God gave me the safeguard, the defense, the help, same value as the Divine Fiat, from the seed of my
such that no one could talk about me — about my hon- humanity, formed the tiny little humanity which was
esty. St. Joseph was to be the cooperator — the tutor, to enclose the Word, and so the great prodigy of the
who was to take care of that bit of the human which Incarnation was accomplished.
we needed — as well as the shadow of the celestial As His little humanity was conceived, He conceived
paternity, in which our little celestial family on earth all the pains He was to suffer, up to the last day of His
was to be formed. life. He enclosed all souls within Himself, because, be-
So, in spite of my surprise, soon I said: “Fiat!”, ing God, no one could escape Him. His immensity en-
knowing that the Divine Will would not have harmed closed all creatures, His all-seeingness rendered them
me, or prejudiced my sanctity. Oh, had I wanted to put all present to Him. Therefore, my Jesus, my Son, felt
my human will in act, even in the aspect of not want- the weight and the burden of all sins of each creature.
ing to know man, I would have sent to ruin the plans And I, your Mama, followed Him in everything,
of the coming of the Word upon earth! and felt within my maternal heart this new genera-
I left the temple with the same courage with which tion of the pains of my Jesus, and the new generation
I entered it, and only to do the Divine Will. I went to of all the souls, whom, as Mother, I was to generate
Nazareth and I no longer found my dear and holy par- with Jesus to the grace, to the light and to the new life
ents. I went alone, accompanied by Saint Joseph, and which my dear Son came to bring upon earth. v MICHAEL August/September 2021 15