Page 14 - Michael August 2021
P. 14

have been too unbefitting for God to descend into a      But there are no other ways to save him — no
        creature in whom the human will reigned.             other ways out, other than for the Eternal Word to
            Here is why He wanted a test from me, and for all   descend, assume his guise, his miseries, his sins
        of my life: my will — in order to secure the Kingdom   upon Himself; become his brother, conquer him
        of the Divine Will within my soul. Once He secured this   through  love  and  unheard-of  pains,  and  give  him
        in me, God could do with me anything He wanted; He   so much confidence as to be able to bring him back
        could give me everything, and I can say that He could   again  into  Our  paternal  arms.  Oh,  how  We  grieve
        deny me nothing.                                     over  the  destiny  of  man!  Our  sorrow  is  great,  nor
                                                             could We confide it to anyone, because not having a
            Who can tell you all that this Divine Will did in me?
        It raised me so high, It embellished me so much, that   Divine Will to dominate them, they could never have
        the very angels remain mute, nor do they know where   understood — either Our sorrow, or the grave evil of
        to start to talk about me.                           man fallen into sin.
            Now,  my  dearest  child,  you  must  know  that  as   To you, who possess Our Fiat, is allowed the abil-
        soon as the Divine Fiat had me take possession of all,   ity to understand it; therefore, as if to Our own secre-
        I felt  I possessed everything  and  everyone.  With  Its   tary, We want to unveil our secrets to you, and place
        power, immensity and all-seeingness, the Divine Will   the scepter of command into your hands, that you
        enclosed all creatures within my soul, and I felt a little   may dominate and rule over all, and that your domin-
        place in my heart for each one of them               ion may win over God and men, bringing them to Us
                                                             as reborn children, within your maternal heart.
         Most Holy Trinity constitutes her Its secretary         Who can tell you, dear child, all that my heart
            My dear child, come into the arms of your Mama,   felt at these divine words? A vein of intense sorrow
        and pay attention in listening to me: you will hear the   opened in me, and I committed myself, even at the
        unheard-of  prodigies  that  the  Divine  Fiat  worked  in   cost of my life, to winning over God and the creature,
        your celestial Mama. As I took possession of the King-  and to uniting them together. (…)
        dom of the Divine Will, Its steps within me ended, and
        Its full life began, whole and perfect, within my soul.   Without knowing then that I was going to be the
        Oh, at what divine heights was I placed by the Most   Mother of the Divine Word, I felt a double maternity
        High! The Heavens could neither reach me nor con-    in me: maternity toward God, in order to defend His
        tain me. The light of the sun was little before my light.   just  rights;  and  maternity  toward  the  creatures,  to
        No created thing could reach me. I crossed the divine   bring them to safety. I felt I was the Mother of all. The
        seas as if they were my own; my Father, the Son and   Divine Will which reigned in me, and which knows
        the Holy Spirit, longed for me to be in Their arms, to   not how to do isolated works, brought God and all
        enjoy Their little daughter…                         creatures from all centuries into me.
            They  felt,  coming  out  from  me,  waves  of  divine    Mary departs for the Temple
        love, chaste fragrances and unusual joys, starting       I had just turned three years old when my parents
        from  within  the  heaven  which  their  own  Divine  Will   let me know that they wanted to consecrate me to
        had formed in my littleness — to the extent that They   the Lord in the temple. My heart rejoiced in hearing
        could not  stop repeating:  “All beautiful,  all  pure,  all   this — of having to consecrate myself and spend my
        holy, is Our little daughter. Her words are chains that   years in the house of God.
        bind Us; her gazes are darts that wound Us; her heart-   But beneath my joy there was a sorrow for the
        beats are arrows that, darting upon Us, make Us go   privation of the dearest persons one can have on
        into delirium of love!”                              earth — my dear parents. I was little, I needed their
            They felt the Power, the Strength of their Divine   paternal  cares;  I  was  depriving  myself  of  the  pres-
        Will coming out from me, which rendered us insepar-  ence  of  two  great  saints.  Moreover,  I  saw  that  as
        able;  and  They  called  me  “Our  invincible  daughter,   the day approached on which they were to deprive
        who will bring victory even over Our Divine Being.”  themselves of me, who rendered their life full of joy
            The Divinity, taken by excess of love for me, told   and happiness, they felt such bitterness as to feel like
        me: “Our beloved daughter, Our Love cannot resist;   dying.
        It feels suffocated if We do not entrust to you Our se-  But  while  they  suffered,  they  were  disposed  to
        crets. Therefore We elect you Our faithful secretary;   make the heroic act of taking me to the Lord. My par-
        We want to entrust to you Our sorrows and Our de-    ents loved me in the order of God, and considered
        crees. We want to save man at any cost — look how    me a great gift, given to them by the Lord. This gave
        he is falling; his rebellious will drags him continuous-  them the strength to make the painful sacrifice.
        ly toward evil. Without the life, the strength and the
        support of Our Divine Will, he has deviated from the     Therefore, my child, if you want to have an invin-
        path of his Creator, and walks crawling on the earth —   cible strength to suffer the hardest pains, let all your
        weak, ill, and full of all vices.                    things be in the order of God, and keep them as pre-
                                                             cious gifts given by God.

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