Page 11 - Michael August 2021
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or farmers are being locked down and unable to       rapidly bringing about the other goal of the global-
        harvest  their  vegetables;  how  many  companies    ists, and that is the attempted destruction of Cath-
        cannot get parts for their automobiles, combines,    olicism. The prophecy of Isaiah predicting global
        hardware stores; how lumber and other commod-        communism is coming true in spades.
        ities are beginning to skyrocket in price, etc. This            The victory is the Lord’s
        is why Our Lady has warned several times now ,
        as did Our Lord in the Gospels [cf. Matt 24:7; Rev        But that means the Era of Peace that Isaiah
        6:5-6] that famine is coming in many places.         predicted to follow, and that the Church Fathers
                     A global cyber attack                   wrote about, is likewise coming. Yesterday, as the
                                                             Psalmist reminds us, these nefarious plans, ultim-
            As  we  speak,  the  World  Economic  Forum      ately, will not succeed:
        (WEF), who “predicted” the pandemic through run-         “The Lord brings to nought the plans of
        ning a scenario (just weeks before the outbreak),    nations; he foils the designs of peoples. But the
        is now supposedly preparing for a “cyber attack”     plan of the Lord stands forever; the design of his
        as they run another scenario July 9th, 2021 . The    heart, through all generations. R. Lord, let Your
        WEF — surprise, surprise — is comparing it to “A     mercy be on us, as we place our trust in You.”
        cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics”.       (Psalm 33)
            I  suppose  we  can  thus  expect  a  similar  dra-  What  a  glorious time  to  be  alive:  to  witness
        conian response by our political leaders for “our    the labor pains that will bring about the birth of
        own good.” In fact, such an attack may be very       a purified and unified Body of Christ and the Tri-
        the  tool  to  deliver  the  final  blow  to  the  present   umph of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. And so,
        world  order  and  take  whatever  freedom  we       we ought to remember that we are like wild grass,
        have left and corral  it into a completely digit-    here today and gone tomorrow, but not forever.
        ized, monitored, and controlled world. That, and     We have an eternal destiny, and Heaven is where
        of  course,  we  will  continue  to  hear  how  every   we ought to fix our eyes moment by moment by
        weather anomaly, heat wave, tornado, hurricane,      indeed “living in the Divine Will.” 19
        hailstone, cold front and snow fall is the result of
        man-made “global warming.”                               In this way, no matter what the globalists con-
            What the global pandemic revealed to world       coct, we can remain fixed in peace because the
                                                             Present  Moment  (ie.  the  intersection  between
        leaders is that the propaganda not only works, but   Heaven  and  Earth)  is  precisely  where  Jesus  is.
        works incredibly well to drive billions into submis-  That is by no means a call to pacifism — our
        sion. Satan, said Jesus, is a liar and the “father of   hands folded in false piety and our eyes closed to
        lies.” [cf. John 8:44] Today, we are being lied to   suffering.  Rather, it is in fact the way by which we
        daily, hour by hour, minute by minute on a grand     draw upon grace in order to confront the Storm in
        scale, to the point that it is nearly impossible to   a truly effective, powerful, and divine way.
        expose it all. 16
            In Canada, for instance, churches are being          “All are invited to join My special fight-
        burned to the ground  for the Catholic Church’s      ing force. The coming of My Kingdom must be
        sad role in residential schools as supposed “mass    your only purpose in life. My words will reach a
        graves” (which are often old unmarked cemeter-       multitude of souls. Trust! I will help all of you in
        ies in most cases with unknown origins, etc.) are    a miraculous way. Do not love comfort. Do not
                                                             be cowards. Do not wait. Confront the Storm to
        being discovered. (See also article on page 32
        of this issue.) A perfect storm of truth and lies is   save souls. Give yourself to the work. If you do
                                                             nothing, you abandon the earth to Satan and to
        11  sin. Open your eyes and see all the dangers that
        is-coming/                                           claim victims and threaten your own souls.  —
        12  Jesus to Elizabeth Kindelmann, The Flame of Love,
        internet-regulation/                                 pg. 34, published by Children of the Father Foun-
        13      dation; Imprimatur Archbishop Charles Chaput.
        14  Off to cut my hay field! Peace be with your
        16  spirit… v                      Mark Mallett
        17  18
        calls-for-churches-to-burn-adding-she-will-help-defend-  communism/
        anyone-charged-with-arson?utm_source=top_news&utm_   19
        campaign=standard                                    20                                            MICHAEL  August/September 2021     11
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