Page 7 - Michael August 2021
P. 7

What living in the Divine Will means           Divine Will, which allows a creature to receive the
                   (Volume 16, February 20, 1924)            Divine Order, is in the depth of the soul, where grace
            “Ah, you don’t know what it means to live in My   moves her to empty herself of what is human – ten-
        Will! It means to make the pure joys of the purpose   dencies, passions, inclinations and other things.
        of Creation -— My innocent pleasures for which I cre-    “On the other hand, to do My Will is to live with
        ated man — return to Me. It means to remove all the   two wills, in such a way that when I give orders to fol-
        bitterness that the perfidious human will gave Me al-  low Mine, the creatures feel the weight of their own
        most at the dawn of Creation. It means a continuous   will, which causes contrasts. And even though they
        exchange  of  wills,  human  and  Divine,  as  the  soul,   follow the orders of My Will with faithfulness, they
        fearing her own, lives from Mine, while Mine keeps   feel the weight of their rebellious nature, of their pas-
        filling the soul with joys, love and infinite goods.   sions  and  inclinations.  How  many  saints,  although
            “Oh, how happy I feel in being able to give what-  they may have reached the highest perfection, feel
        ever  I  want  to  this  soul,  because My Will  contains   their  own  will  waging  war  against  them,  keeping
        such capacity as to be able to receive everything!   them  oppressed. And  many  are  forced  to  cry out:
        Therefore, there are no longer divisions between Me   ‘Who will free me from this body of death?’– that is,
        and her, but stable union, in working, in thinking, in   ‘from this will of mine, that wants to give death to the
        loving, because My Will compensates for everything,   good I want to do?’
        so we remain in perfect accord and in communion of       “To live in My Will is to live as a son. To just do
        goods. This had been the purpose of the Creation of   My Will would be called, in comparison, living as a
        man: to make him live as Our own child and to share   servant. In the first case, what belongs to the Father
        all  Our  goods  with  him,  so  that  he  might  be  fully   belongs to the Son; and then, it is well known how
        happy, and We might be amused with his happiness.    servants are forced  to make more  sacrifices  than
            “Now, to live in My Will is exactly this: to have   sons do. They have to expose themselves to more
        the purpose, the joys, the feasts of Creation returned   tiring and more humble services, to cold, to heat, to
        to Us. And you say that I should have kept it hidden   traveling on foot, and the like.
        in My Church, without manifesting it? I would have       “In fact, how much did My saints not do, though
        turned Heaven and earth upside down; I would have    most beloved friends of Mine, in order to execute
        overwhelmed the souls with an irresistible strength,   the orders of My Will? Instead, a son remains with
        in order to make known that which will be the fulfill-  his father, takes care of him, cheers him up with his
        ment of Creation. Do you see how much I care for     kisses and caresses; he gives orders to the servants
        this living in My Will, which places the seal upon all   as if his father were ordering them; and if he goes
        My works, so that all of them may be complete? It    out, he doesn’t walk, but travels in a coach
        may seem to you that this is nothing, or that there      “And  while  the  son  possesses  all  that  belongs
        are similar things in My Church. No, no — for Me,    to his father, the servants are given only the recom-
        on the contrary, it is the All of My works, and you   pense for the work they have done, remaining free
        must appreciate it as such, and be more attentive in   to serve their master or not; and if they do not serve,
        fulfilling the mission I want from you.”             they no longer have a right to receive any further
           Distance between living in the Divine Will        compensation. On the other hand, nobody can re-
                    and doing the Will of God                move  those  intimate  relations  between  father  and
                  (Volume 17, September 18, 1924)            son, by which the son possesses the goods of the
            “To live in My Will is to reign in It and with It,   father; and no law, either celestial or terrestrial, can
                                                             cancel these rights, just as it cannot unbind sonship
        while to do My Will is to be submitted to My orders.   between father and son.
        The first state is to possess; the second is to receive
        dispositions, and execute commands. To live in My        “My daughter, the living in My Will is the living
        Will  is  to  make  My  Will  one’s  own,  as  one’s  own   that is closest to the blessed of Heaven. It is so dis-
        property, and to dispose of It. To do My Will is to take   tant from one who is simply conformed to My Will
        It into account as the Will of God, not as one’s own   and does It, faithfully executing Its orders — as much
        thing; nor can one dispose of It as he wants.        as Heaven is distant from the earth, as much as the
                                                             distance between a son and a servant, and between
            “To live in My Will is to live with one single Will –   a king and a subject.
        That of God; and since It is a Will all holy, all pure, all
        peaceful, being one single Will that reigns, there are   “Moreover, this is a gift which I want to give in
        no contrasts: everything is peace. Human passions    these times, so sad — that they may not only do My
        tremble before this Supreme Will, and would rather   Will, but possess It. Am I perhaps not free to give
        escape It; nor do they dare to even move, or oppose   whatever I want, when I want, and to whom I want?
        it, in seeing that Heaven and earth tremble before   Isn’t a master free to say to his servant: ‘Live in my   u
        this Holy Will. Therefore, the first step of living in the   house, eat, take, command as another myself”? And                                            MICHAEL  August/September 2021       7
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