Page 3 - Michael August 2021
P. 3
Letter from the Editor
“Come to Me, All Those Who Are Weary”
The Letter from the Editor in the August-September Him, to trust Him. God created heaven and earth out
2020 issue of MICHAEL, titled “Jesus never abandons of nothing, He can certainly help us in our trials, even
us” , began like this: “We are living in exceptional times in the most desperate situations. It is indeed in all truth
and in circumstances never before witnessed in history. that we can say that Jesus never abandons us.
With the introduction of control measures implemented And we can add that with what the future holds,
following the appearance of COVID-19, people are wor- we will not be able to get through it without God’s
ried and do not know what the future holds.” help. In fact, all that is coming is part of a spiritual bat-
A year later, this concern persists, accompan- tle, and we need spiritual weapons to fight this battle.
ied by doubts and confusion, because the opinions The most powerful weapon that Heaven gave us in
of doctors and scientists on the means used to stop this battle is the Rosary. (See page 16.)
the “pandemic” seem contradictory: while some re- This trust in God is called living in his Divine Will,
gions, provinces or countries put an end to the bar- “the greatest gift that God offers to mankind”, accord-
rier measures (mask, distancing), others are stepping ing to what Jesus Himself taught his servant Luisa
up controls, such as France, for ex- Piccarreta (see page 4), for the full
ample, which now requires proof of accomplishment of the words of the
vaccination (health pass) to have ac- Lord’s Prayer: “Thy will be done on
cess to shopping centers, transport, earth as it is in heaven.” According to
and other public places. this teaching, the Virgin Mary is the
And even as regards vaccines, perfect example and model of a life
the opinions of specialists differ: lived in the Divine Will (see page 13),
while some doctors swear only by and thanks to her “yes” to God (Fiat)
vaccination, others say that alterna- at the Annunciation, she thus became
tive means exist (chloroquine, iver- the mother of all human beings.
mectin), and that the new Messenger Another person who accom-
RNA vaccines, while being effective plished the will of God in an exem-
in stopping a specific type of COVID plary manner was Cardinal Stefan
19 for which they were designed, at Wyszynski of Poland, a giant of the
the same time weaken and destroy faith, who will be declared blessed on
the immune system (the natural de- September 12, 2021. (See page 23.)
fense system by antibodies) of those who have been
vaccinated, therefore making them more likely to A world that lives according to the will of God is a
catch — and even succumb to — “variants” and other world of justice. “Seek first the Kingdom of God and
viruses from “new waves”. His righteousness, and all these things will be given to
you as well” (Matthew 6:33). A world of justice would
Different sources of information help to form in- be possible, among other things, in the economic
formed consent about vaccination, but when an opin- field, by the application of the financial principles of
ion does not match the narrative (official discourse), it is Economic Democracy, as taught by Clifford Hugh
censored on mainstream and social media. (See page 9.) Douglas and Louis Even. (See pages 18 to 21.) And
And this coronavirus “pandemic” is just one of the application of these principles will not be achieved
the many worrying factors for people today. We are by promoting new political parties, but by educating
worried about the economic situation, peace between the people. (See page 27.)
nations and even among the inhabitants of the same Finally, to guide us in all our actions, let us keep
country, climatic disasters, cyber attacks, etc. In short, in mind these words of wisdom from Saint Padre Pio
everyone is, at different levels, stressed and worried of Pietrelcina (see page 17): “Our present life is given
about the future. only to gain the eternal one, and if we don’t think
Are you at the end of the line and can’t take it any- about it, we build our affections on what belongs to
more? A word from Jesus in the Gospel gives us the this world, where our life is transitory. When we have
solution: “Come to Me, all those who are weary and to leave it, we are afraid and become agitated. Believe
burdened, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28). God me, to live happily in this pilgrimage, we have to aim
wills the good of us all; He is almighty and master at the hope of arriving at our Homeland, where we will
of everything. The point is to surrender ourselves to stay eternally.” Happy reading!v
Alain Pilote
1 Editor
jesus-never-abandons-us MICHAEL August/September 2021 3