Page 4 - Michael August 2021
P. 4
The Divine Will
Revealed by Jesus to Luisa Piccarreta
In the course of the history of the Church, God book has received the Imprimatur, that is, permis-
has raised up privileged souls to whom He entrusted sion to be published from the Church, because it
a special mission: Saint Margaret Mary, for the devo- does not contain anything contrary to the teaching
tion to the Sacred Heart; Saint Faustina Kowalska, of the Church.
for the devotion to Divine Mercy; etc. In the March- In this “Book of Heaven”, Jesus speaks of three
April 2018 issue of MICHAEL, we published the life decrees, three “Fiats” (Latin word meaning “let it
of one of these privileged souls, whose cause of be- be done, let it be accomplished”), the first “Fiat” is
atification has been underway in that of creation: God creates the
Rome since 2005: the Servant of world by a simple act of His Will:
God Luisa Piccarreta (1865-1947) “God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and
who had received from God the there was light.” (in Latin, fiat lux)
mission to make known and (Genesis 1:3). The second “Fiat”
loved the Divine Will, so that the is that of Redemption: the Word
request for the prayer of the Our of God became flesh following
Father might be fulfilled: “Your the consent of the Virgin Mary:
kingdom come, Your will be done “Be it done unto me according
on earth as it is in heaven”, or, in to your word” (in Latin, fiat mihi
in other words, what the Kingdom secundum verbum tuum) ( Luke
of God on earth is, how the Will 1:38). Two thousand years later,
of God is accomplished on earth Jesus said that we are approach-
as it is in Heaven, and how one ing the fulfillment of the third
can live totally immersed in this “Fiat”, sanctification.
Divine Will. A. Pilote
We know from the Gospel Here are excerpts from the
that Jesus came on earth to ac- booklet “I Bring You Tidings
complish the will of His Father. of Great Joy”, by Father Pablo
And we have a glimpse of what Martin, which gives a selection
the Will of God is in several pas- of passages on the Divine Will,
sages of the letters of Saint Paul: taken from the 36 volumes of
“God wills you all to be holy” (1 “The Book of Heaven” of Luisa
Thess 4:3); “God wants everyone Piccarreta:
to be saved and reach full knowledge of the truth” (1
Tim 2:4); God’s Will is also found in his Command- Jesus gives and explains the title of the book
ments, the most important of which is: “I give you to be published concerning His Will
a new commandment: love one another; you must (Volume 19, August 27, 1926)
love one another just as I have loved you” (John As I was in my usual state, my always lovable
13:34). Jesus made me see the reverend father who must oc-
Luisa, who was confined to bed for 64 years, cupy himself with the printing of the writings on the
almost without food and water, sleeping very little. adorable Will of God. And Jesus, placing Himself near
She had only basic education. Jesus will come to her him, said to him: “My son, the title you will give to the
every day and teach her the most sublime mysteries book you will print about My Will is this:
concerning God and his Divine Will, teachings that ‘The Kingdom of My Divine Will
she will carefully write down. These writings, writ- in the midst of creatures. BOOK OF HEAVEN.
ten in obedience to her archbishop and to the priests The call of the creature to the order, the place and
who were assigned to her as confessors, form a book the purpose for which he was created by God’.
in 36 volumes, written over a period of 40 years, to “See, I want the title also to correspond to the
which Jesus gave the title of “Book of Heaven”. This great work of My Will. I want the creature to com-
prehend that his place, assigned to him by God, is
church/item/luisa-piccarreta-the-little-daughter-of-the-divine- 2 Link to read or dowload the 36 volumes:
4 MICHAEL August/September 2021