Page 9 - Michael August 2021
P. 9

For the Love of Neighbour

                       Explanations on the Current Crisis

            Canadian Catholic missionary                     some asked why I am not focusing more on spirit-
        and    singer/songwriter,   Mark                     ual topics, etc…. Well, “in the name of Christian
        Mallett, publishes a spiritual blog                  charity”, how does one simply ignore the fact that
        called The Now Word   in  which                      hundreds of thousands around the world are being
        he defends both the Church and                       maimed or killed by the current “vaccines” (ie. gene
        Pope Francis.  We  have already                      therapies)  now  being  forced  on  the  population?
        published  in  MICHAEL  some  of                     Most  of  the  global  populace  doesn’t  even  know
        his texts . In recent months, he                     this is happening, as the censorship is beyond any-
        has published a series of articles on the Coronavirus   thing we’ve ever seen in our generation! What kind
        Pandemic viewed in light of the Word of God and      of “Christian” turns a blind eye to the suffering of
        the teachings of the Church. Here are excerpts       others, especially when they have the opportunity
        from an article posted on July 8, 2021, entitled For   to help others avoid that suffering?
        the Love of Neighbour :                                  We cannot fold our hands in piety in a kind of
                        by Mark Mallett                      self-preservationist way when our brothers’ hands
            “So,  what  just  happened?”  As  I  floated  in   are  being  chained  in  a  prison  —  whatever  that
        silence on a Canadian lake, staring up into the      enslavement looks like. I believe anyone who has
        deep blue past the morphing faces in the clouds,     spent even a single hour this past year trying to
        that  was  the  question  rolling  through  my  mind   understand what my writings or documentary are
        recently. Over a year ago, my ministry suddenly      really saying understands that we are in the midst
        took a seemingly unexpected turn into examin-        of an “end game” by our satanic foe that looks an
        ing the “science” behind the sudden global lock-     awful lot like genocide.
        downs,  church  closures,  mask  mandates,  and          In fact, today, it will only take you a few min-
        coming vaccine passports. This took some read-       utes.  The  highly  cited  Dr.  Peter  McCullough  MD,
        ers by surprise. Remember this letter? 4             MPH, recently summarized the gravity of what is
            “I follow your site because you are very close in   happening  throughout  the  world  right  now  in  a
        your interpretation on some aspects of the ‘times’.   seminar for The Méditerranée Infection Foundation
        These are indeed interesting times and it is good    in France. Starting at about 15:50 into this video ,
        that you are alerting the faithful. That said, your   you can listen as to why the current mass vaccina-
        anti-mask (terrible science), anti-vaccination rav-  tion of the world must immediately stop. (…)
        ings, before we have a vaccine, are quite mistaken       It’s precisely “in the name of Christian char-
        and dangerous. You seem to have fallen prey to       ity” that I have spent a year warning my readers
        some really bad interpretations of the end times     of what was coming… Many times over the past
        and control… you are dead wrong. Pray more.          few months, including in rewatching the documen-
        Hypothesize less. In the name of Christian charity,   tary, I have wept at my computer as I watched the
        wear a mask my friend; the life you save may be      suffering  of  many  souls  across  the  world  whose
        your own.”                                           stories have been censored by Google, YouTube,
            As it turns out, those “ravings” have been       Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so-called “fact-
        correct all along according to top scientists who    checkers” — the shameless propagandists of
        appeared in my new documentary Following the         our  generation  who  are  now  complicit  in  crimes
        Science? ,  an  exposé  which  summarized  over  a   against humanity. So I even started a group on the
        thousand hours of research. Still, even recently,    (as of now) uncensored MeWe platform where we
                                                             continue to daily post their stories (see the “Covid
        1               Vaccine Reaction Testimonies” group .
        2    for example, an article published in August, 2020 : https://  “Take no part in the fruitless works of dark-
        pandemic-of-control                                  ness; rather expose them…” (Ephesians 5:11)       u
        bour/                                                6
        4  7
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